SSabbath Observance Was Abolished at the Cross. Really?
Today I'd like to explore an argument often made by Sunday keepers
who are reluctant to start observing the Sabbath. They often proclaim that
Sabbath observance was abolished at the cross together with the other nine
commandments. They were all nailed to the cross.
I find this a very intriguing argument because these same people would
readily agree that the commandment "Thou Shalt Not Kill" is still in effect.
Also "Thou Shalt not Covet Thy Neighbor's Wife," "Thou Shalt Not Steal,"
etc. So they are quick to see and accept the validity of the other nine
commandments, but refuse to accept the validity of the fourth commandment.
This becomes even more intriguing when we notice that the fourth commandment
is the only one to which God added the word "REMEMBER" as an introduction.
The other commandments do not begin in this fashion. "Remember thou shalt
not steal," "remember thou shall have no other Gods before me." No. It is only
the fourth commandment that carries that particular emphasis of the word
"remember." Why? I am not a prophet and therefore I don't enjoy especial access
to God to ask any of these questions. My speculation, however, is that God added
this word, 'remember' because he is all knowing and, even way back then at the
time of the writing of the Ten Commandments, God was able to see that a time
was coming when His children would be pressured to drift away from the Sabbath.
In His infinite wisdom God added the warning 'REMEMBER' for our benefit.
Now, if you are a Sunday keeper, I'd like to hear from you. What reason
do you have for keeping Sunday instead of Saturday? Do you think Sabbath
observance was abolished at the cross? Please share with us your reasons.
The moderator