Sunday, September 19, 2010

Installment forty-nine.

Now Mr. Anderson is about to show Mr. Conan where the catechism and
the Bible are not in agreement.
Installment forty-nine:

Mr. Anderson turned to the chapter devoted to the commandments, and read,
at the same time comparing with Mr. Conan's Bible.
"Now, Mr. Conan, notice . The fourth commandment is changed in your catech-
ism, and calls for Sunday instead of Sabbath worship. And right over here the
change is cited as proof that the church has authority to appoint other special
days of service. In other words, your church actually confesses to changing the
word of God. As you told me at the beginning, she changed the day."
Judge Kershaw had been only an interested listener. But now he spoke, saying:
"Mr. Anderson, now I've been given evidence which would be accepted in any
court of law. It is a case in which the defendant has been proved guilty not only
by direct testimony of unimpeachable witness, but by his own confession as well."
"Mr. Conan, these are hard truths, but let me go a step further," continued Mr.
Anderson. "The church of Rome has fulfilled another great prophecy, that of 2
Thesalonians 2:3,4, which speaks of 'the man of sin, . . . the son of perdition, . . .
who opposeth and is lifted up above all that is called God or is worshiped, so
that he sitteth in the temple of God.' The Pope has put himself above God in
setting aside a portion of His law; he has assumed titles that belong to God only;
he has allowed himself, as Christ's pretended vicar, to receive worship and
adoration; and all this has been in the temple of God. Is it not true, then, that
the church of Rome is the power that fulfills Daniel 7:25 and that changed the
Sabbath of Jehova?"
"Mr. Anderson, this is terrible. Do the priests know these things?"
"Yes, my brother. Many of them do. Not only the priests, but Protestant
ministers as well." He then read Ezekiel 22:26.
Mr. Conan seemed stunned, but in no way resentful. He was on a mission for
the church. What should he do about it now?"

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Installment forty-seven.

Mr. Anderson is in the middle of showing to Mr. Conan
the biblical evidence that the Catholic Church changed
the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday.
Installment forty-seven:

"I may not take time now to go largely into details, but let's
be clear that "a time" is a year, even as the footnote here
states. In this prophecy it is a prophetic year, equal to 360
prophetic days. According to Ezekiel 4:6, a prophetic day
equals a literal year. So we have:
Time . . . . . . . . . . 360 years
Times . . . . . . . . . 720 years
Half a time . . . . . 180 years
Total . . . . . . . . . .1,260 years
"In Revelation 12:6, 14, this same period is clearly shown to
be 1260 days, or years, while in Revelation 13:5, it is stated
to be 'forty and two months', which gives the same number."
Mr. Conan apparently approved, as he was logically obliged
to do, though it was clear that he was beginning to see what
must be to him an unwelcome conclusion.
"1260 years is the time during which the little horn would
'speak words,' 'crush the saints,' and 'think himself able to
change times and laws.' What are the facts of history?"
"In A.D. 533, Emperor Justinian issued a decree declaring
the bishop of Rome the corrector of heretics and 'head over
all the churches.' Immediately the work of putting down
Arianism began with new vengeance that the decree might
become effective. The next year the Vandals were subjugated.
This work was followed in A.D. 538 by the uprooting of the
Ostrogoths. In A.D. 538, therefore, the bishop of Rome found
himself the undisputed head of the great spiritual world and
from that date began his work outlined in the prophecy.
"dating forward 1,260 years from A.D. 538, we are brought
down to A.D. 1798. Was that a remarkable year in the history
of the church? Ah! That was the time when the French army
took the head of the church prisoner, broke the power he had
so long wielded, and carried him into captivity. The prophecy
of Daniel was fulfilled almost to a day."
"Are you trying to prove that the Catholic Church is the anti-
Christ? This is the worst thing I ever heard," Mr. Conan said
rather excitedly.
"Pardon me, Mr. Conan, but have I not taken it all out of your
Bible as you suggested?"
"Well, what about the Sabbath change? You have not proven
anything yet as to the matter with which we began."
"Very good. Let's proceed," said Mr. Anderson.
"The prophecy definitely states that this little horn should
'think himself able to change times and laws.' What laws are
pointed out? Read the whole verse and see. The horn is working
againts God - against God's name, against God's people and
against God's laws. Let me ask you a question: does not your
book teach that the pope, speaking ex cathedra, has authority
to set aside the words of Scripture for the good of the church?"
"I must acknowledge that it does."
"Does not your catechism actually set a changed form of the law
of God?"
"I don't know," Mr. Conan replied.
To be continued . . .

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Installment forty six.

Now Mr. Anderson is set to show Mr. Conan that the Catholic Church
changed the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday.
Installment forty-six.

"Mr. Conan, you believe and receive the entire Bible, don't you?" was Mr.
Anderson's first question.
"Yes, sir. Every good Catholic does."
"I knew you must; for in the footnote that I find here in 2 Peter, I read:
"Every part of the Holy Scriptures was written by men inspired by the
Holy Ghost, and declared as such by the church.' "
"Of course, Mr. Anderson. My belief is subject to the teachings of the
church," Mr. Conan added.
"Well, let's see what the Bible says.
"In the book of Daniel, chapter 7, we are told of a vision given the prophet,
a vision which revealed to him four great beasts, - a lion, a bear, a leopard,
and a beast without name. The footnote says, 'The Chaldean, Persian,
Grecian and Roman empires.' Of the correctness of this position there is
not doubt.
"In the vision the prophet saw ten horns on the fourth beast, and the foot-
note reads, 'ten horns. That is, ten kingdoms, . . . among which the empire
of the fourth beast shall be parceled.' This, too, without question, is correct.
"After the ten horns (or kingdoms) appeared, the prophet said: 'another
little horn sprung out of the midst of them, and three of the first horns
were plucked up at its presence. And behold eyes like the eyes of a man
were in this horn, and a mouth speaking great things.' Between A.D. 493
and A.D. 538, exactly three of the horns (or kings) mentioned were plucked
up, according to the prophecy. They were Heruli, in Italy; the Vandals in
Africa; and the Ostrogoths, in Rome."
"I am familiar with that history," remarked Mr. Conan; "and you may be
aware that they were overthrown because of their heretical positions,
especially the Ostrogoths. The bishop of Rome was the one person who
negotiated with the Eastern Empire for the cleansing of the Eternal City."
"Yes, you are right, Mr. Conan; it was a religious controversy that brought
about the downfall of those three kingdoms. They were Arian in faith, and
the church had them annihilated," said Mr. Anderson.
"But now mark: The horn that put them down had 'a mouth speaking great
things.' Then in verse 24, this same horn is said to bring down three kings;
and then the prophet adds, 'and he shall think himself able to change times
and laws: and they shall be delivered into his hand until a time and times
and a half a time.'
To be continued . . .

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Installment forty-five

Mr. Anderson was engaged in conversation with a Catholic passenger who
was making the claim that all Protestants keep Sunday.
Installment thirty-five:

"I don't keep Sunday," replied Mr. Anderson.
"Oh, you don't keep any day, I suppose."
"Yes, I do. I observe the seventh day of the week. I am a Seventh-day
Adventist. Now let me make you a proposition: Will you offer a reward
of a thousand dollars to anyone who could prove from the Bible that your
church did change the Sabbath?"
The man closed the catechism in his hand, looked Mr. Anderson squarely
in the eye, and asked: "Who are you, anyway? What do you mean?"
"I mean that I agree with you that your church changed the Sabbath and
I am ready to show you from the word of God that you are correct."
"All right, provided you will use my Bible. I will give you a hundred dollars
if you make good on your claim. It will be worth that much to me in handling
the next Sunday man I meet. But remember, it must be from our Douay
Mr. Anderson readily agreed; and the man who had now introduced himself
as James Connan, went after his Bible, leaving his catechism lying on the deck
"What have you here, brother?" asked judge Kershaw, who happened along
while Mr. Anderson was waiting. The judge picked up the little book and
opened it .
"A Catholic catechism! Well, that's strange literature for a Protestant pastor!"
The book had opened to the chapter devoted to church authority, and the
judge's eyes fell on these words: "Q. Have you any other way of proving that
the Church has power to institute festivals of precept? A. Had she not such
power, she could not have done that in which all modern religionists agree
with her; -she could not have substituted the observance of Sunday, the first
day of the week, for the observance of Saturday, the seventh day. A change
for which there is no scriptural authority."
Evidently the judge had never before read that statement. He appeared
greatly surprised. Just at that moment Mr. Connan returned. Handing Mr.
Anderson the Bible, Mr. Connan renewed the conversation.
To be continued...

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Installment forty-four.

It was Sabbath morning, a bright, beautiful day. Several days had now
elapsed since the almost miraculous rescue of Mrs. Gregory. Harold Wilson
had frequently been stopped here and there by admiring passengers to
ask him about his conversion, his marked Bible, and his answered prayer
in saving Mrs. Gregory.
Besides the interest shown in the young man, there were rumors afloat
that one of the clergymen had become a seventh-day man, but no one
seemed to know whether it was Mr. Mitchell, Dr. Spaulding, or Mr.
Until this Sabbath morning, no one had given particular attention to a
certain man, evidently educated and cultured, who had kept himself
somewhat isolated. He attended none of the religious services aboard
the vessel, but spent his time reading some well-worn books that he
carried with him.
Determined that the journey should not end before he had at least made
some effort at acquaintance, Mr. Anderson, finding him at his usual
reading, took a seat beside him on deck. As his custom was, inquired if
the man was a Christian.
"Yes, sir. I am a Roman Catholic, a member of the only true and apostolic
church," the stranger said very positively.
"Ah! Well, I am glad to meet you, sir," was the minister's reply. "I am a
Protestant, but that does not hinder me from feeling brotherly."
"Do you say you are a protestant? There are no Protestants - no
consistent Protestants," he said. "Why, I am reading at this very time
the proof of my statement."
"What is your proof, friend?"
"Well, however broad it may sound, it is true. There are no consistent
Protestants for none of them take the Bible only as their rule of faith.
They say they follow the Bible; but in many ways they reject it altogether
and follow the teachings and customs of the Catholic Church. For instance,
you know very well that you have no Scripture for your Sunday - not a
single word. The Bible teaches you that you should keep today -Saturday,
not tomorrow. The Catholic Church, by authority of the apostle Peter,
changed the day of worship from the seventh day to the first day of the
week, and the whole religious world has accepted the change. To think
that they persist in calling themselves Protestants! It's disgusting!"
"But not all protestants do as you say. There are exceptions!"
"So far as I know, they all do. Of course, they grow indignant and make
vigorous denials, but they do not dare come out and face the actual facts.
Our church has challenged the whole world to show that they are not
following its teachings rather than the Bible in keeping Sunday; but there
has never been an answer. The reason is, there is no answer to be given.
Every intelligent Protestant clergyman who has studied church history
knows that Sunday worship springs from our church. So we say that,
taking a part of our religion, they ought to take it all. In fact, we look for
all of you to come back into the true fold.
"A number of years ago," he continued, "one of our priests offered a
thousand dollars to anyone who would bring even one text from the
Bible to show Sunday to be the divine day of rest; but no one has ever
appeared to claim the reward."
"No," said Mr. Anderson, "and no one ever will. Such a text cannot be
"Then why do you go on fooling yourself and others by keeping Sunday?"
To be continued....

Monday, September 13, 2010

Installment forty-three

At the end of our previous installment Harold Wilson was coming back in
the cabin to retrieve his Bible just as Dr. Spaulding was reading from it.
Installment forty-three:

"Sit down, my boy,: said Mr. Gregory. "We're just about to have prayer
with Dr. Spaulding."
That sounded strange to Harold; and what was stranger, his Bible was in
Dr. Spaulding's hands. What did it mean?
Dr. Spaulding soon satisfied Harold's curiosity by explaining the circums-
tances, and then, in a gentle and fatherly way, said, "Son, what is the
meaning of the word 'Mother' signed to this note here? I am interested
because the words sound so much like the words of my own mother, who
was accustomed also to mark her Bible."
Gladly indeed did Harold relate the story of his faithful mother, of his effort
to escape her influence, of the marked Bible which he found at sea and later
threw away, of his life in sin, of his trial and sentence, of the marked Bible at
the Oakland Pier - marked by request of his mother while she was on her
deathbed - of Mr. Anderson's acquaintance with the dear mother, and of
Captain Mann and his experience. All this and much more seemed to Harold
a chapter stranger than fiction, and he told it as only one who bleieves in an
overshadowing providence can.
"And that's why I am trying to follow my saviour," said Harold. "My mother's
prayer has been answered through Mr. Anderson. The verse you have just
read is my special guide, and I wrote my name under the word 'Mother,' so
I could say in my heart I was endorsing her message."
Dr. Spaulding prayed. The Spirit of God was there. As he prayed, his heart
broke before God. Mr. and Mrs. Gregory shared fully his blessing of spiritual
uplift. When he prayed for Harold, "the hero of faith" of the day before, and
for Mr. Anderson, "the devoted brother who sought truly to reveal Christ,"
Harold's cup was full.
The prayer ended. Harold quietly withdrew, and Dr. Spaulding also hastened
to his cabin.
But before going back to work, Harold went to Mr. Anderson's quarters and
told him what had occurred in Mr. Gregory's cabin.
"Thank God," said the minister, "the day of miracles is not past."

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Installment forty-two.

Our previous entry ended with Mrs. Gregory wondering whether there are
many ministers who preach one thing and believe another.
Installment forty-two:

Now Mr. Gregory replied to his wife: "you must be patient and charitable in
this matter, even though you see what looks like dishonesty. I don't like to
call it that; rather, I would call it confusion resulting from long years of
training in the wrong direction. As Dr. Spaulding has said, he has scarcely
been able to analyze his own views. We have gone on, however, teaching
many times what we have not known to be true, even though we have not
taught what we have known to be false. It is perfectly safe to say that the
majority of the ministry today take this position. But the circumstances of
this trip, - the contact with Harold Wilson and his marked Bible, the attitude
of Captain Mann, the work of Mr. Anderson. the discussions among Mr.
Mitchell and us, and finally, yesterday's incident - all these have caused me
to see that I nust take an entirely different course; and I intend for every-
one on this ship to know what God has done for me. " So Mr. Gregory, led
by the Spirit of God, finally and fully committed himself."
"Before you go, Dr. Spaulding, won't you take that Bible and read for us?
Read the fortieth Psalm, please."
Dr. Spaulding gladly accepted the request and, picking up the marked
Bible, turned to Psalm forty and began to read slowly, with a great tender-
ness taking possesion of his heart. Scores and scores of times during his
ministry he had read this same passage, but never before had its voice
seemed to speak so directly to him, or its message appeared so sweet.
When he reached the eigth verse, it was underlined. In the margin was
written the following: "God's will is God's law - is the true and only object
of life. Ecclesiastes 12:13. Not wealth, not health, not happiness, not
salvation, not philanthropy, but doing God's gracious will. He who delights
in the will of God has found the climax of all holiness and will surely be
instrumental, as Jesus was, in leading others to love and serve. This is
the revelation of God in man and through man. - Mother."
Dr. Spaulding stopped. The word "Mother" at the close of the note aroused
in him a peculiar interest. He asked, "who is the mother who wrote this
While the words were still on his lips, there was a knock on the door. Then
Harold Wilson entered. He was coming back for his Bible.
To be continued...