On our last entry we saw Captain Mann having a frank talk with Mr.
Mitchell regarding the Sabbath.
Installment Fifteen:
Apparently Mr. Mitchell was not disposed to take the Captain's earnest
and logical remarks very seriously, and they were not allowed to banish
his accostumed smile. When the captain had finished, the minister only
said: "Well, you are my superior in argument, and I must attempt no
reply. You may rest assured, though, that if you stand by your reasoning,
you will be obliged to keep the Jewish Sabbath."
At this point Mr. Mitchell found it necessary to be excused and, with a
cheerful 'so long,' he made his exit. The truth of the matter was he felt
himself distinctly embarrassed and wished to avoid further probing at
the captain's hands.
As the minister withdrew, Harold Wilson made a brief call to inform the
captain that since they had talked the day before, he had found "a lot of
new things."
"Have you been talking to Mr. Anderson, young man," the captain inquired.
"No, but I have been reading my Bible and talking to people I have met.
And, captain, this Sabbath question is a mighty interesting subject. Every-
one wants to know about it. Did you know that there are three other
preachers aboard?"
The captain well knew this, but his experience with Mr. Mitchell had
somewhat discouraged him.
"one of those preachers, Dr. Spaulding, is a great talker, captain. When
he heard me talking to some of the men, he acted as though he had some
bad blood. Why, he almost jumped at me and said that anyone who kept
the old Jewish Sabbath was 'almost a Christ killer,' if you know what that
means. Well, I didn't know at first what to say, so I let him talk on until
I got my breath. Then I asked him what he meant by the 'Jewish
Sabbath.' I said, do you mean the Sabbath of the fourth commandment?"
"Yes, sir," he said. "That's exactly what I mean. The Ten Commandments
were given to the Jews; and when Christ came and died, they were all
nailed to the cross. The Sabbath lived and died with that Christless
"Just then Mr. Anderson came along and I couldn't help asking him
what he thought. You see, I had never heard about a Jewish Sabbath
or, in fact, any other particular kind of Sabbath, so I wanted to have
the preachers make it clear."
To be continued....
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