The question hanging at the end of our previous chapter was: "Why the
absolute day is so necessary?"
Installment thirty-three:
Mr. Anderson answered: "A simple illustration will make this clear. Let me
place before you seven glasses. Six are filled with water, one with juice.
I say to you, if you take the seventh glass, you will find the most delicious
drink you ever tasted. You'd love to taste this drink I mention, yet only one
glass has it, that is the seventh glass, and you must follow my count to find
what you are after. Let me put it this way, the blessing of this wonderful
juice is wrapped up in my numbering of the glasses. So it is with the Sabbath.
God blessed the seventh day. He put his presence into that particular day
and into no other. If I find Him as my heart really longs to know Him, I must
begin to count as He counted; making my days correspond to His. When I do
so, I am rewarded by actually finding Him, knowing Him, resting in Him.
I have rest because I am with the Sabbath. The true Sabbath keeper, there-
fore, has in his service a blessing that not even a sincere Sunday keeper ever
"I see it, Mr. Anderson. I see it," declared Mr. Severance, "and this day I
join you in the larger service of the Sabbath that God has given. Will you pray
for me? I especially need help in arranging my business."
"I praise the dear Lord, Mr. Severance, for this decision. It is the decision of
faith, I am sure. God will help you in shaping your affairs for His service."
"I have in mind, however," said Mr. Severance, more than you think. This
is a day of tremendous conviction. My business career all through the years
has been along lines that the world might regard as legitimate; but this after-
noon something has told me that if I would be holy, and know Him who is
holy, and enjoy Him in His holy day, I must retrace many of my steps. I must
adjust all my methods to different standards, and go before my patrons and
business associates in confession, yes even more, I shall let many a dollar
revert to its real owner. Do you believe God will enable me to bear the cross?"
At this juncture, Captain Mann entered the rom.
To be continued...
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