Saturday, August 21, 2010

Installment thirty-one

Our previous chapter ended at the point when Judge Kershaw was getting
ready to make a decision for Christ while everybody kept silence.
Installment thirty-one:

Now Mr. Severance spoke: "Judge, this day has been a day of revelation
to me also. But I must know more. Mr. Anderson, may I ask you a few
brief questions? For instance, if the seventh day is the Sabbath day, and
if we are morally bound to make it our day of rest, why does the church
as a whole does not see it and acknowledge it? This troubles me."
"I have no doubt, Mr. Severance," Mr. Anderson began, "that there are
many cause which have led the professed Christian world to observe
Sunday rather than Sabbath. I may venture to remark that the Sabbath
has been set aside for the same reason that other great moral duties have
been disregarded. You will remember that the apostle Paul clearly fore-
told a time when professed Christians would 'not endure sound doctrine,'
but would 'heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears from the
truth.' 2 Timothy 4:3,4.
"A brief examination of the word of God shows that this evil course has
been common through the ages. It has apparently been easy for men
to estimate lightly the word of God. Surely it is so now, when higher
criticism finds ready access to both pulpit and pew, placing the writings
of inspiration at the same level as the works of Shakespeare and others.
The day has come when even the Ten Commandments are regarded
by many as out of date and in need of revision."
"Yes," said one in the group, "I was told only yesterday by a man who
looked like a minister that we can no longer hold the Bible as an
absolute, unquestioned authority. He said that much of the Old
Testament had been shown to be historically inaccurate, and that
the miracles recorded in the Gospels were largely allegorical. I asked
him in particular about the resurrection and ascencion of Christ, and
he only shrugged his shoulders and smiled."
"Of course, Mr. Severance," continued Mr. Anderson, "not all the
professed people of God have so far departed from the old paths
that they have set the Scriptures aside. There are many beautiful
and notable exceptions. But if you would know why the churches
of today, generally speaking, reject the Sabbath truth, you will
find the reason in the facts I have pointed out."
"Again, you will hear that if you're only sincere in what you do,
your service is accepted. This sounds good, but it is misleading.
Sincerity is necessary, but it never excuses ignorance."
"Now, let me understand you, Mr. Anderson," said Mr. Severance.
"Has not my sincere observance of Sunday been acknoledged of
God? I have surely tried to be a Christian."
To be continued....

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