Now Mr. Anderson is about to show Mr. Conan where the catechism and
the Bible are not in agreement.
Installment forty-nine:
Mr. Anderson turned to the chapter devoted to the commandments, and read,
at the same time comparing with Mr. Conan's Bible.
"Now, Mr. Conan, notice . The fourth commandment is changed in your catech-
ism, and calls for Sunday instead of Sabbath worship. And right over here the
change is cited as proof that the church has authority to appoint other special
days of service. In other words, your church actually confesses to changing the
word of God. As you told me at the beginning, she changed the day."
Judge Kershaw had been only an interested listener. But now he spoke, saying:
"Mr. Anderson, now I've been given evidence which would be accepted in any
court of law. It is a case in which the defendant has been proved guilty not only
by direct testimony of unimpeachable witness, but by his own confession as well."
"Mr. Conan, these are hard truths, but let me go a step further," continued Mr.
Anderson. "The church of Rome has fulfilled another great prophecy, that of 2
Thesalonians 2:3,4, which speaks of 'the man of sin, . . . the son of perdition, . . .
who opposeth and is lifted up above all that is called God or is worshiped, so
that he sitteth in the temple of God.' The Pope has put himself above God in
setting aside a portion of His law; he has assumed titles that belong to God only;
he has allowed himself, as Christ's pretended vicar, to receive worship and
adoration; and all this has been in the temple of God. Is it not true, then, that
the church of Rome is the power that fulfills Daniel 7:25 and that changed the
Sabbath of Jehova?"
"Mr. Anderson, this is terrible. Do the priests know these things?"
"Yes, my brother. Many of them do. Not only the priests, but Protestant
ministers as well." He then read Ezekiel 22:26.
Mr. Conan seemed stunned, but in no way resentful. He was on a mission for
the church. What should he do about it now?"