Now Mr. Anderson is set to show Mr. Conan that the Catholic Church
changed the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday.
Installment forty-six.
"Mr. Conan, you believe and receive the entire Bible, don't you?" was Mr.
Anderson's first question.
"Yes, sir. Every good Catholic does."
"I knew you must; for in the footnote that I find here in 2 Peter, I read:
"Every part of the Holy Scriptures was written by men inspired by the
Holy Ghost, and declared as such by the church.' "
"Of course, Mr. Anderson. My belief is subject to the teachings of the
church," Mr. Conan added.
"Well, let's see what the Bible says.
"In the book of Daniel, chapter 7, we are told of a vision given the prophet,
a vision which revealed to him four great beasts, - a lion, a bear, a leopard,
and a beast without name. The footnote says, 'The Chaldean, Persian,
Grecian and Roman empires.' Of the correctness of this position there is
not doubt.
"In the vision the prophet saw ten horns on the fourth beast, and the foot-
note reads, 'ten horns. That is, ten kingdoms, . . . among which the empire
of the fourth beast shall be parceled.' This, too, without question, is correct.
"After the ten horns (or kingdoms) appeared, the prophet said: 'another
little horn sprung out of the midst of them, and three of the first horns
were plucked up at its presence. And behold eyes like the eyes of a man
were in this horn, and a mouth speaking great things.' Between A.D. 493
and A.D. 538, exactly three of the horns (or kings) mentioned were plucked
up, according to the prophecy. They were Heruli, in Italy; the Vandals in
Africa; and the Ostrogoths, in Rome."
"I am familiar with that history," remarked Mr. Conan; "and you may be
aware that they were overthrown because of their heretical positions,
especially the Ostrogoths. The bishop of Rome was the one person who
negotiated with the Eastern Empire for the cleansing of the Eternal City."
"Yes, you are right, Mr. Conan; it was a religious controversy that brought
about the downfall of those three kingdoms. They were Arian in faith, and
the church had them annihilated," said Mr. Anderson.
"But now mark: The horn that put them down had 'a mouth speaking great
things.' Then in verse 24, this same horn is said to bring down three kings;
and then the prophet adds, 'and he shall think himself able to change times
and laws: and they shall be delivered into his hand until a time and times
and a half a time.'
To be continued . . .
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