Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Installment forty-four.

It was Sabbath morning, a bright, beautiful day. Several days had now
elapsed since the almost miraculous rescue of Mrs. Gregory. Harold Wilson
had frequently been stopped here and there by admiring passengers to
ask him about his conversion, his marked Bible, and his answered prayer
in saving Mrs. Gregory.
Besides the interest shown in the young man, there were rumors afloat
that one of the clergymen had become a seventh-day man, but no one
seemed to know whether it was Mr. Mitchell, Dr. Spaulding, or Mr.
Until this Sabbath morning, no one had given particular attention to a
certain man, evidently educated and cultured, who had kept himself
somewhat isolated. He attended none of the religious services aboard
the vessel, but spent his time reading some well-worn books that he
carried with him.
Determined that the journey should not end before he had at least made
some effort at acquaintance, Mr. Anderson, finding him at his usual
reading, took a seat beside him on deck. As his custom was, inquired if
the man was a Christian.
"Yes, sir. I am a Roman Catholic, a member of the only true and apostolic
church," the stranger said very positively.
"Ah! Well, I am glad to meet you, sir," was the minister's reply. "I am a
Protestant, but that does not hinder me from feeling brotherly."
"Do you say you are a protestant? There are no Protestants - no
consistent Protestants," he said. "Why, I am reading at this very time
the proof of my statement."
"What is your proof, friend?"
"Well, however broad it may sound, it is true. There are no consistent
Protestants for none of them take the Bible only as their rule of faith.
They say they follow the Bible; but in many ways they reject it altogether
and follow the teachings and customs of the Catholic Church. For instance,
you know very well that you have no Scripture for your Sunday - not a
single word. The Bible teaches you that you should keep today -Saturday,
not tomorrow. The Catholic Church, by authority of the apostle Peter,
changed the day of worship from the seventh day to the first day of the
week, and the whole religious world has accepted the change. To think
that they persist in calling themselves Protestants! It's disgusting!"
"But not all protestants do as you say. There are exceptions!"
"So far as I know, they all do. Of course, they grow indignant and make
vigorous denials, but they do not dare come out and face the actual facts.
Our church has challenged the whole world to show that they are not
following its teachings rather than the Bible in keeping Sunday; but there
has never been an answer. The reason is, there is no answer to be given.
Every intelligent Protestant clergyman who has studied church history
knows that Sunday worship springs from our church. So we say that,
taking a part of our religion, they ought to take it all. In fact, we look for
all of you to come back into the true fold.
"A number of years ago," he continued, "one of our priests offered a
thousand dollars to anyone who would bring even one text from the
Bible to show Sunday to be the divine day of rest; but no one has ever
appeared to claim the reward."
"No," said Mr. Anderson, "and no one ever will. Such a text cannot be
"Then why do you go on fooling yourself and others by keeping Sunday?"
To be continued....

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