Mr. Anderson was engaged in conversation with a Catholic passenger who
was making the claim that all Protestants keep Sunday.
Installment thirty-five:
"I don't keep Sunday," replied Mr. Anderson.
"Oh, you don't keep any day, I suppose."
"Yes, I do. I observe the seventh day of the week. I am a Seventh-day
Adventist. Now let me make you a proposition: Will you offer a reward
of a thousand dollars to anyone who could prove from the Bible that your
church did change the Sabbath?"
The man closed the catechism in his hand, looked Mr. Anderson squarely
in the eye, and asked: "Who are you, anyway? What do you mean?"
"I mean that I agree with you that your church changed the Sabbath and
I am ready to show you from the word of God that you are correct."
"All right, provided you will use my Bible. I will give you a hundred dollars
if you make good on your claim. It will be worth that much to me in handling
the next Sunday man I meet. But remember, it must be from our Douay
Mr. Anderson readily agreed; and the man who had now introduced himself
as James Connan, went after his Bible, leaving his catechism lying on the deck
"What have you here, brother?" asked judge Kershaw, who happened along
while Mr. Anderson was waiting. The judge picked up the little book and
opened it .
"A Catholic catechism! Well, that's strange literature for a Protestant pastor!"
The book had opened to the chapter devoted to church authority, and the
judge's eyes fell on these words: "Q. Have you any other way of proving that
the Church has power to institute festivals of precept? A. Had she not such
power, she could not have done that in which all modern religionists agree
with her; -she could not have substituted the observance of Sunday, the first
day of the week, for the observance of Saturday, the seventh day. A change
for which there is no scriptural authority."
Evidently the judge had never before read that statement. He appeared
greatly surprised. Just at that moment Mr. Connan returned. Handing Mr.
Anderson the Bible, Mr. Connan renewed the conversation.
To be continued...
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