Our previous entry ended with Mrs. Gregory wondering whether there are
many ministers who preach one thing and believe another.
Installment forty-two:
Now Mr. Gregory replied to his wife: "you must be patient and charitable in
this matter, even though you see what looks like dishonesty. I don't like to
call it that; rather, I would call it confusion resulting from long years of
training in the wrong direction. As Dr. Spaulding has said, he has scarcely
been able to analyze his own views. We have gone on, however, teaching
many times what we have not known to be true, even though we have not
taught what we have known to be false. It is perfectly safe to say that the
majority of the ministry today take this position. But the circumstances of
this trip, - the contact with Harold Wilson and his marked Bible, the attitude
of Captain Mann, the work of Mr. Anderson. the discussions among Mr.
Mitchell and us, and finally, yesterday's incident - all these have caused me
to see that I nust take an entirely different course; and I intend for every-
one on this ship to know what God has done for me. " So Mr. Gregory, led
by the Spirit of God, finally and fully committed himself."
"Before you go, Dr. Spaulding, won't you take that Bible and read for us?
Read the fortieth Psalm, please."
Dr. Spaulding gladly accepted the request and, picking up the marked
Bible, turned to Psalm forty and began to read slowly, with a great tender-
ness taking possesion of his heart. Scores and scores of times during his
ministry he had read this same passage, but never before had its voice
seemed to speak so directly to him, or its message appeared so sweet.
When he reached the eigth verse, it was underlined. In the margin was
written the following: "God's will is God's law - is the true and only object
of life. Ecclesiastes 12:13. Not wealth, not health, not happiness, not
salvation, not philanthropy, but doing God's gracious will. He who delights
in the will of God has found the climax of all holiness and will surely be
instrumental, as Jesus was, in leading others to love and serve. This is
the revelation of God in man and through man. - Mother."
Dr. Spaulding stopped. The word "Mother" at the close of the note aroused
in him a peculiar interest. He asked, "who is the mother who wrote this
While the words were still on his lips, there was a knock on the door. Then
Harold Wilson entered. He was coming back for his Bible.
To be continued...
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