Mr. Anderson is in the middle of showing to Mr. Conan
the biblical evidence that the Catholic Church changed
the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday.
Installment forty-seven:
"I may not take time now to go largely into details, but let's
be clear that "a time" is a year, even as the footnote here
states. In this prophecy it is a prophetic year, equal to 360
prophetic days. According to Ezekiel 4:6, a prophetic day
equals a literal year. So we have:
Time . . . . . . . . . . 360 years
Times . . . . . . . . . 720 years
Half a time . . . . . 180 years
Total . . . . . . . . . .1,260 years
"In Revelation 12:6, 14, this same period is clearly shown to
be 1260 days, or years, while in Revelation 13:5, it is stated
to be 'forty and two months', which gives the same number."
Mr. Conan apparently approved, as he was logically obliged
to do, though it was clear that he was beginning to see what
must be to him an unwelcome conclusion.
"1260 years is the time during which the little horn would
'speak words,' 'crush the saints,' and 'think himself able to
change times and laws.' What are the facts of history?"
"In A.D. 533, Emperor Justinian issued a decree declaring
the bishop of Rome the corrector of heretics and 'head over
all the churches.' Immediately the work of putting down
Arianism began with new vengeance that the decree might
become effective. The next year the Vandals were subjugated.
This work was followed in A.D. 538 by the uprooting of the
Ostrogoths. In A.D. 538, therefore, the bishop of Rome found
himself the undisputed head of the great spiritual world and
from that date began his work outlined in the prophecy.
"dating forward 1,260 years from A.D. 538, we are brought
down to A.D. 1798. Was that a remarkable year in the history
of the church? Ah! That was the time when the French army
took the head of the church prisoner, broke the power he had
so long wielded, and carried him into captivity. The prophecy
of Daniel was fulfilled almost to a day."
"Are you trying to prove that the Catholic Church is the anti-
Christ? This is the worst thing I ever heard," Mr. Conan said
rather excitedly.
"Pardon me, Mr. Conan, but have I not taken it all out of your
Bible as you suggested?"
"Well, what about the Sabbath change? You have not proven
anything yet as to the matter with which we began."
"Very good. Let's proceed," said Mr. Anderson.
"The prophecy definitely states that this little horn should
'think himself able to change times and laws.' What laws are
pointed out? Read the whole verse and see. The horn is working
againts God - against God's name, against God's people and
against God's laws. Let me ask you a question: does not your
book teach that the pope, speaking ex cathedra, has authority
to set aside the words of Scripture for the good of the church?"
"I must acknowledge that it does."
"Does not your catechism actually set a changed form of the law
of God?"
"I don't know," Mr. Conan replied.
To be continued . . .
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