Mr. Anderson is still explaining to Mrs. Gregory the
significance of the Sabbath when the conversation turns
to Harold Wilson.
Installment thirty eight:
" Harold Wilson impresses me as having found a great blessing."
said Mrs. Gregory.
"Yes. He has kept only one Sabbath, but he found a remarkable
blessing in it. What came into his soul from the Sabbath carried
him over the ship's side yesterday. He has told me this and he's
certain that God regarded his obedience and answered his prayer
to find you. He calls you his 'Sabbath-saved woman.' "
"I don't doubt it for a minute," Mrs. Gregory replied. "That's why
I'm opening my heart today."
"But let me continue a bit further. In the fifty-sixth chapter of his
book Isaiah prophesies of a great Sabbath return among the gentiles
of these last days. Read verses 1-8 and you will see that it is specially
a Gospel message, and promises those who enter into a Sabbath
covenant with Him 'a place and a name better than of sons and
daughters.' He will give them 'an everlasting name that shall not be
cut off.' Everlasting life is involved.
"Surely, then, someone must preach that Sabbath message at this
time. Someone must especially emphasize its importance, even as
God asks."
"Why other ministers do not accept these plain statements? They
seem plain enough to me, though I have never read them before,
but the ministers have read them."
"I can tell you why some of them do not accept," said Mr. Gregory.
"They are a little too much as I am. They don't like to acknowledge
that they have been wrong. If all the clergyman who really see the
truth of this Sabbath were to confess their convictions, there would
be few left to offer opposition. I know what I'm talking about. Many
of them have privately admitted to me that the Sabbatarians are
"Well, dear, you have never said that in my presence. I'm surprised."
"Look at it as blindness, which for a while hinders them from reading
their own motives," said Mr. Gregory.
"We will continue our conversation some other day. I am sure you're
both tired. Good night," said Mr. Anderson.
To be continued....
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