Today we'll look at another argument sometimes
made by people who can't bring themselves to
accept Sabbath observance. They sometimes say
that any day will do as long as we choose a day to
rest and worship.
There are two serious problems with that line
of reasoning.
First of all God made it very clear that only the
seventh day will do. Genesis 2:3 tells us that "God
blessed the SEVENTH day and sanctified it." It
doesn't say God took a day off and suggested that
we should do something similar once a week. Then
in Exodus 20:10 God emphasizes the point again
when he instructed Moses "but the SEVENTH day
is the Sabbath of the Lord your God." The text does
not suggest simply a day off once a week in any order.
It clearly says the SEVENTH day.
As if to underline how specific these instructions
were, God did not create room for a loophole or a
waiver of this requirement for the priests. It is
very obvious that priests have to do their job on
the Sabbath. The Lord, however, did not create
an exception for them to rest on some other day
during the week. This simply tells us that doing
priestly functions during worship is acceptable
work to be done on the Sabbath. There is no
mention at all in Scriptures about the Levites
enjoying an alternate day off during the week.
This means that only the seventh day will do for
We also know that God's wisdom is infinite.
Therefore there must be something wise about
this commandment. We don't lose anything by
God bless you,
The moderator
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