The following story comes from "The Official 1993 Devotional Book For
Super Kids" by Renee Kempf Coffee.
Miss Brown stood in front of her classroom. 'Today I'd like to give you
a little math quiz on your multiplication tables,' she said. 'If you know
the answer raise your hand, but don't say anything out loud.'
Turning around Miss Brown wrote 5 X 7 = . The students quickly
raised their hands.
'Keith, what is the answer?'
'Thirty-five,' Keith responded.
'How many agree with his answer?'
Every hand went up.
Miss Brown wrote the next problem, 9 X 7 = .
'Who has the answer?'
Waving hands filled the room.
'How many agree?'
The whole class raised their hands.
'Now the last problem,' said the teacher. She wrote 6 X 8= .
'Who has the answer? Rosa?'
The teacher surveyed the room. 'How many agree?'
Twenty-five of the 30 students raised their hands. The five students
who didn't raised their hands looked around at all their friends and
then slowly raised their hands in agreement. They didn't want to risk
being different. So they went along with the crowd.
What they didn't know was that the other students and the teacher
were in on an experiment. The people in charge of the experiment
wanted to see if students would go against what they knew to be
correct, or if they'd be willing to be different.
Last week at our Sabbath school, the primary leader played a
guessing game with the class. 'Who was the doubting disciple?'
he asked. Three children said Thomas, but the rest said Timothy.
'How many say it's Timothy?' asked the leader. Every hand went up.
Those with the right answer went along with the crowd.
All through life you'll have to choose between right and wrong.
Are you determined to do what's right even if it means being
Those who choose to follow God will never be in the majority, but
they will always be on the right side.
So it is with Sabbath observance. Maybe it's not what the
majority does, but it's the right thing to do.
God bless you.
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