We last saw Harold Wilson debating which man to follow; Mr. Anderson
or Captain Mann? He knew only one could be right.
Installment Eleven:
"After all," Harold said, "I'll do what my mother used to urge me. I'll just
have to read the Bible for myself."
But if the captain lacked in knowledge, he did not lack in enthusiasm to
see that Harold did not become "entangled in false ideas about the Sabbath."
It came to pass, however, that his earnest efforts to save the young man
from delusion only hastened forward the work of truth which God desired \
to have wrought.
"Young man, let me counsel you again to be careful about this matter of
the day you keep."
"But, Captain Mann, why do you speak this way? No one has said anything
to me about keeping Saturday."
"Well, you will find that Mr. Anderson will soon be telling you that if you
are to live a Christian life, you must keep the day his church keeps. He
will tell you that Sunday isn't mentioned in the Bible, and -"
"Really, captian, is Sunday not spoken of in the Bible? I shall be glad to
have you show me the matter as it is before Mr. Anderson gets to it, if
you think best."
"All right; come in this evening, and I will show you that Mr. Anderson's
church is wrong."
"That makes me think," said Harold as the captain walked away.
"I remember that he told me they had put aboard a supply of reading
materials. I wonder if there is anyhting about Sunday. I will ask Mr.
Anderson about it." He found him aft.
"Mr. Anderson, do you suppose your people have placed aboard this
vessel anything about Sunday?"
"Why, yes, Harold, I presume they have. But what causes you to be
interested about Sunday? You keep Sunday, don't you?"
"Oh yes, but you see, Captain Mann is afraid that I will not keep on
it that way, and tonight he is going to show me that the Bible says
Sunday is the right day. He said you would soon be telling me that
Sunday is not mentioned in the Bible and he wants to prove that it is.
Of course I think I should find out all I can for myself before I meet
him this evening. What should I look for?"
"Well, there are several little leaflets you may well read, such as
"Which Day Do You Keep, and Why?" Or "Sunday in the New
Testament." I think you will find them in that supply, if not, come
to me and I will try to assist you."
While Harold was searching for these leaflets, Captain Mann had
found a bit of leisure time for putting into shape the thoughts he
would present to Harold. He thought he knew in general what would
help the young man, so he set out to find the specific texts he would
To be continued......
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