Since creation God has taken the time to communicate with mankind. He
has done so in many different ways. Sometimes God himself has appeared
to people. Sometimes He has spoken directly to His children. Sometimes He
has sent angels. On other occasions He has sent prophets and seers. Then
we also have His instructions as recorded on Scriptures. When God has
something important to tell us, we can be sure that He will let us know.
In fact God himself has said so in the book of Amos 3:7. "Surely the Lord
does nothing unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets."
So with the help of Amos 3:7 we have established that God always
communicates His instructions to us.
Now, we also know that the Sabbath day was very important to God
because He sanctified it and hollowed it. He also emphasized in Exodus
20:8 to "REMEMBER the Sabbath and keep it holy."
So if (1) the Sabbath is important to God and (2) He always communicates
to us His plans, then how could it be that God would transfer the day of
rest from Saturday to Sunday and not communicate His intentions to us?
It simply does not reflect God's character.
If we believe in the Bible and we believe in God and we also believe that
Sunday is the true Sabbath, then we should have some communication
from God to that effect. We believe that God does nothing unless He
reveals His secret to His servants. So we should also believe that God
would tell us very clearly if he wants us to worship and rest on Sunday.
Nowhere in the Bible can we find any instructions for us to observe the
Sabbath on Sunday to commemorate the resurrection of Jesus.
God bless you,
The Moderator
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