Did God need rest?
Certainly not. God rested because he was done with the
creation. He felt accomplished in having prepared a perfect
world for His creatures to enjoy. Now He wanted men to do just
that: Enjoy! So God rested to set an example for men.
In fact, we know that the word Sabbath means "stop" or "rest."
God intended for us to live a life of rest. It was only after the fall
that work came about.
Also we know that in almost every passage of the Bible
where the Sabbath is mentioned, it is in connection with God's
work of creation. We will explore this in greater detail in later
entries. For now let us be happy and thankful that God set aside
the Sabbath for us to stop and to commune with Him.
My personal belief is that in God's infinite wisdom, He knew that
we would delay and postpone spending time with Him because we
are just too busy with the cares of this world. I know many people who
only visit their own mother on Christmas and Mother's Day. Establishing
the Sabbath ensured God that we would spend time with Him at least once
a week. Moreover, He wanted that time to be only for Him. That's why he
commanded that we set aside all manners of business and personal affairs.
The Sabbath is God's quality time for us. With no interruptions. I am so
thankful for that.
The moderator
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