Today's entry will explore the argument that Christ's resurrection from the
dead is a greater event than the creation of the world. Therefore its memorial
must be greater and we should observe Sunday instead of Saturday as a day
of rest.
Determining which of the two events is greater is clearly subjective.
Nowhere in the Bible do we find a statement declaring that the resurrection
was a greater event than the creation of the world. By the same token,
nowhere in the Bible do we find a single text indicating that the observance
of the day of rest has been transferred from Saturday to Sunday.
After his resurrection, Jesus had contact with his disciples for up to
forty days. Certainly if he wanted to give instructions about such a change
he would have done so during those forty days. Then if the early Christian
church had felt that Sunday was the new Sabbath they would also have written
instructions to do so. In fact, the elders of the early Church did hold a council
in Jerusalem to determine which of the Mosaic traditions were still required
of the Gentiles. The Sabbath is not even mentioned in the discussion there
simply because nobody was questioning or considering a move from Saturday
to some other day.
After Jesus ascencion to heaven, the Bible tells us that he was seen
again here on earth. One such occassion was on the road to Damascus when
he appeared to Saul. The other time was on the island of Patmos when he
visited John. The Lord could have used those two occasions to give instructions
about any changes to the fourth commandment if he was indeed planning any
such changes. In the book of Revelation Jesus dictates letters with lots of
instructions for the seven churches, but none of this instructions reveal that
he wants his followers to observe a new Sabbath on a different day.
In a court of law the burden of proof rests with the party claiming
that an act was carried out. In this case, the act is the transfer from
Saturday to Sunday. So far no Scriptural proof has been found.
I'd like to encourage our Sunday-keeping friends to point out any Biblical
text that shows the new commandment to rest on Sunday.
God Bless You,
The moderator
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