This photo was taken just two days before this beach
was devastated by the 2004 Tsunami.
As we mentioned yesterday, many believe that keeping the Sabbath
is too great a burden because it cuts us off from the rest of society. We
cannot participate in secular activities that take place between sundown
Friday and sundown Saturday. No Friday night concerts and parties. No
Saturday classes. No weekend jobs, etc.
There are indeed many people who are intellectually convinced that
Sabbath is the rigthful day of rest, but they just cannot bring them-
selves to honor it. They wrestle with the idea every now and then, but
they continue in the comfort of their habits and social circles.
In the Bible there are many promises, but none of those promises
states that observing the Sabbath will be easy. The Bible, in fact, warns
us about folowing the easy way. In Matthew 7:13 - 14 Jesus himself
explained about the dangers of just finding the easy way out: "Enter
by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that
leads to destruction; and there are many who go in it. Because narrow
is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are
few who find it."
It is interesting how Jesus again uses the same words we were
studying yesterday: "Many" and "few" as in 'many will be called,
but few will be chosen.
When he says 'Broad is the way that leads to destruction' I can't
help but thinking that he is referring to the days of the week and
the disregard for the Sabbath. Then when he talks about the
"narrow" way, it seems so easy to me to think that he is
referring to the difficulty of observing the Sabbath.
God bless you
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