Sunday, September 19, 2010
Installment forty-nine.
Now Mr. Anderson is about to show Mr. Conan where the catechism and
the Bible are not in agreement.
Installment forty-nine:
Mr. Anderson turned to the chapter devoted to the commandments, and read,
at the same time comparing with Mr. Conan's Bible.
"Now, Mr. Conan, notice . The fourth commandment is changed in your catech-
ism, and calls for Sunday instead of Sabbath worship. And right over here the
change is cited as proof that the church has authority to appoint other special
days of service. In other words, your church actually confesses to changing the
word of God. As you told me at the beginning, she changed the day."
Judge Kershaw had been only an interested listener. But now he spoke, saying:
"Mr. Anderson, now I've been given evidence which would be accepted in any
court of law. It is a case in which the defendant has been proved guilty not only
by direct testimony of unimpeachable witness, but by his own confession as well."
"Mr. Conan, these are hard truths, but let me go a step further," continued Mr.
Anderson. "The church of Rome has fulfilled another great prophecy, that of 2
Thesalonians 2:3,4, which speaks of 'the man of sin, . . . the son of perdition, . . .
who opposeth and is lifted up above all that is called God or is worshiped, so
that he sitteth in the temple of God.' The Pope has put himself above God in
setting aside a portion of His law; he has assumed titles that belong to God only;
he has allowed himself, as Christ's pretended vicar, to receive worship and
adoration; and all this has been in the temple of God. Is it not true, then, that
the church of Rome is the power that fulfills Daniel 7:25 and that changed the
Sabbath of Jehova?"
"Mr. Anderson, this is terrible. Do the priests know these things?"
"Yes, my brother. Many of them do. Not only the priests, but Protestant
ministers as well." He then read Ezekiel 22:26.
Mr. Conan seemed stunned, but in no way resentful. He was on a mission for
the church. What should he do about it now?"
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Installment forty-seven.
Mr. Anderson is in the middle of showing to Mr. Conan
the biblical evidence that the Catholic Church changed
the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday.
Installment forty-seven:
"I may not take time now to go largely into details, but let's
be clear that "a time" is a year, even as the footnote here
states. In this prophecy it is a prophetic year, equal to 360
prophetic days. According to Ezekiel 4:6, a prophetic day
equals a literal year. So we have:
Time . . . . . . . . . . 360 years
Times . . . . . . . . . 720 years
Half a time . . . . . 180 years
Total . . . . . . . . . .1,260 years
"In Revelation 12:6, 14, this same period is clearly shown to
be 1260 days, or years, while in Revelation 13:5, it is stated
to be 'forty and two months', which gives the same number."
Mr. Conan apparently approved, as he was logically obliged
to do, though it was clear that he was beginning to see what
must be to him an unwelcome conclusion.
"1260 years is the time during which the little horn would
'speak words,' 'crush the saints,' and 'think himself able to
change times and laws.' What are the facts of history?"
"In A.D. 533, Emperor Justinian issued a decree declaring
the bishop of Rome the corrector of heretics and 'head over
all the churches.' Immediately the work of putting down
Arianism began with new vengeance that the decree might
become effective. The next year the Vandals were subjugated.
This work was followed in A.D. 538 by the uprooting of the
Ostrogoths. In A.D. 538, therefore, the bishop of Rome found
himself the undisputed head of the great spiritual world and
from that date began his work outlined in the prophecy.
"dating forward 1,260 years from A.D. 538, we are brought
down to A.D. 1798. Was that a remarkable year in the history
of the church? Ah! That was the time when the French army
took the head of the church prisoner, broke the power he had
so long wielded, and carried him into captivity. The prophecy
of Daniel was fulfilled almost to a day."
"Are you trying to prove that the Catholic Church is the anti-
Christ? This is the worst thing I ever heard," Mr. Conan said
rather excitedly.
"Pardon me, Mr. Conan, but have I not taken it all out of your
Bible as you suggested?"
"Well, what about the Sabbath change? You have not proven
anything yet as to the matter with which we began."
"Very good. Let's proceed," said Mr. Anderson.
"The prophecy definitely states that this little horn should
'think himself able to change times and laws.' What laws are
pointed out? Read the whole verse and see. The horn is working
againts God - against God's name, against God's people and
against God's laws. Let me ask you a question: does not your
book teach that the pope, speaking ex cathedra, has authority
to set aside the words of Scripture for the good of the church?"
"I must acknowledge that it does."
"Does not your catechism actually set a changed form of the law
of God?"
"I don't know," Mr. Conan replied.
To be continued . . .
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Installment forty six.
Now Mr. Anderson is set to show Mr. Conan that the Catholic Church
changed the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday.
Installment forty-six.
"Mr. Conan, you believe and receive the entire Bible, don't you?" was Mr.
Anderson's first question.
"Yes, sir. Every good Catholic does."
"I knew you must; for in the footnote that I find here in 2 Peter, I read:
"Every part of the Holy Scriptures was written by men inspired by the
Holy Ghost, and declared as such by the church.' "
"Of course, Mr. Anderson. My belief is subject to the teachings of the
church," Mr. Conan added.
"Well, let's see what the Bible says.
"In the book of Daniel, chapter 7, we are told of a vision given the prophet,
a vision which revealed to him four great beasts, - a lion, a bear, a leopard,
and a beast without name. The footnote says, 'The Chaldean, Persian,
Grecian and Roman empires.' Of the correctness of this position there is
not doubt.
"In the vision the prophet saw ten horns on the fourth beast, and the foot-
note reads, 'ten horns. That is, ten kingdoms, . . . among which the empire
of the fourth beast shall be parceled.' This, too, without question, is correct.
"After the ten horns (or kingdoms) appeared, the prophet said: 'another
little horn sprung out of the midst of them, and three of the first horns
were plucked up at its presence. And behold eyes like the eyes of a man
were in this horn, and a mouth speaking great things.' Between A.D. 493
and A.D. 538, exactly three of the horns (or kings) mentioned were plucked
up, according to the prophecy. They were Heruli, in Italy; the Vandals in
Africa; and the Ostrogoths, in Rome."
"I am familiar with that history," remarked Mr. Conan; "and you may be
aware that they were overthrown because of their heretical positions,
especially the Ostrogoths. The bishop of Rome was the one person who
negotiated with the Eastern Empire for the cleansing of the Eternal City."
"Yes, you are right, Mr. Conan; it was a religious controversy that brought
about the downfall of those three kingdoms. They were Arian in faith, and
the church had them annihilated," said Mr. Anderson.
"But now mark: The horn that put them down had 'a mouth speaking great
things.' Then in verse 24, this same horn is said to bring down three kings;
and then the prophet adds, 'and he shall think himself able to change times
and laws: and they shall be delivered into his hand until a time and times
and a half a time.'
To be continued . . .
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Installment forty-five
Mr. Anderson was engaged in conversation with a Catholic passenger who
was making the claim that all Protestants keep Sunday.
Installment thirty-five:
"I don't keep Sunday," replied Mr. Anderson.
"Oh, you don't keep any day, I suppose."
"Yes, I do. I observe the seventh day of the week. I am a Seventh-day
Adventist. Now let me make you a proposition: Will you offer a reward
of a thousand dollars to anyone who could prove from the Bible that your
church did change the Sabbath?"
The man closed the catechism in his hand, looked Mr. Anderson squarely
in the eye, and asked: "Who are you, anyway? What do you mean?"
"I mean that I agree with you that your church changed the Sabbath and
I am ready to show you from the word of God that you are correct."
"All right, provided you will use my Bible. I will give you a hundred dollars
if you make good on your claim. It will be worth that much to me in handling
the next Sunday man I meet. But remember, it must be from our Douay
Mr. Anderson readily agreed; and the man who had now introduced himself
as James Connan, went after his Bible, leaving his catechism lying on the deck
"What have you here, brother?" asked judge Kershaw, who happened along
while Mr. Anderson was waiting. The judge picked up the little book and
opened it .
"A Catholic catechism! Well, that's strange literature for a Protestant pastor!"
The book had opened to the chapter devoted to church authority, and the
judge's eyes fell on these words: "Q. Have you any other way of proving that
the Church has power to institute festivals of precept? A. Had she not such
power, she could not have done that in which all modern religionists agree
with her; -she could not have substituted the observance of Sunday, the first
day of the week, for the observance of Saturday, the seventh day. A change
for which there is no scriptural authority."
Evidently the judge had never before read that statement. He appeared
greatly surprised. Just at that moment Mr. Connan returned. Handing Mr.
Anderson the Bible, Mr. Connan renewed the conversation.
To be continued...
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Installment forty-four.
It was Sabbath morning, a bright, beautiful day. Several days had now
elapsed since the almost miraculous rescue of Mrs. Gregory. Harold Wilson
had frequently been stopped here and there by admiring passengers to
ask him about his conversion, his marked Bible, and his answered prayer
in saving Mrs. Gregory.
Besides the interest shown in the young man, there were rumors afloat
that one of the clergymen had become a seventh-day man, but no one
seemed to know whether it was Mr. Mitchell, Dr. Spaulding, or Mr.
Until this Sabbath morning, no one had given particular attention to a
certain man, evidently educated and cultured, who had kept himself
somewhat isolated. He attended none of the religious services aboard
the vessel, but spent his time reading some well-worn books that he
carried with him.
Determined that the journey should not end before he had at least made
some effort at acquaintance, Mr. Anderson, finding him at his usual
reading, took a seat beside him on deck. As his custom was, inquired if
the man was a Christian.
"Yes, sir. I am a Roman Catholic, a member of the only true and apostolic
church," the stranger said very positively.
"Ah! Well, I am glad to meet you, sir," was the minister's reply. "I am a
Protestant, but that does not hinder me from feeling brotherly."
"Do you say you are a protestant? There are no Protestants - no
consistent Protestants," he said. "Why, I am reading at this very time
the proof of my statement."
"What is your proof, friend?"
"Well, however broad it may sound, it is true. There are no consistent
Protestants for none of them take the Bible only as their rule of faith.
They say they follow the Bible; but in many ways they reject it altogether
and follow the teachings and customs of the Catholic Church. For instance,
you know very well that you have no Scripture for your Sunday - not a
single word. The Bible teaches you that you should keep today -Saturday,
not tomorrow. The Catholic Church, by authority of the apostle Peter,
changed the day of worship from the seventh day to the first day of the
week, and the whole religious world has accepted the change. To think
that they persist in calling themselves Protestants! It's disgusting!"
"But not all protestants do as you say. There are exceptions!"
"So far as I know, they all do. Of course, they grow indignant and make
vigorous denials, but they do not dare come out and face the actual facts.
Our church has challenged the whole world to show that they are not
following its teachings rather than the Bible in keeping Sunday; but there
has never been an answer. The reason is, there is no answer to be given.
Every intelligent Protestant clergyman who has studied church history
knows that Sunday worship springs from our church. So we say that,
taking a part of our religion, they ought to take it all. In fact, we look for
all of you to come back into the true fold.
"A number of years ago," he continued, "one of our priests offered a
thousand dollars to anyone who would bring even one text from the
Bible to show Sunday to be the divine day of rest; but no one has ever
appeared to claim the reward."
"No," said Mr. Anderson, "and no one ever will. Such a text cannot be
"Then why do you go on fooling yourself and others by keeping Sunday?"
To be continued....
Monday, September 13, 2010
Installment forty-three
At the end of our previous installment Harold Wilson was coming back in
the cabin to retrieve his Bible just as Dr. Spaulding was reading from it.
Installment forty-three:
"Sit down, my boy,: said Mr. Gregory. "We're just about to have prayer
with Dr. Spaulding."
That sounded strange to Harold; and what was stranger, his Bible was in
Dr. Spaulding's hands. What did it mean?
Dr. Spaulding soon satisfied Harold's curiosity by explaining the circums-
tances, and then, in a gentle and fatherly way, said, "Son, what is the
meaning of the word 'Mother' signed to this note here? I am interested
because the words sound so much like the words of my own mother, who
was accustomed also to mark her Bible."
Gladly indeed did Harold relate the story of his faithful mother, of his effort
to escape her influence, of the marked Bible which he found at sea and later
threw away, of his life in sin, of his trial and sentence, of the marked Bible at
the Oakland Pier - marked by request of his mother while she was on her
deathbed - of Mr. Anderson's acquaintance with the dear mother, and of
Captain Mann and his experience. All this and much more seemed to Harold
a chapter stranger than fiction, and he told it as only one who bleieves in an
overshadowing providence can.
"And that's why I am trying to follow my saviour," said Harold. "My mother's
prayer has been answered through Mr. Anderson. The verse you have just
read is my special guide, and I wrote my name under the word 'Mother,' so
I could say in my heart I was endorsing her message."
Dr. Spaulding prayed. The Spirit of God was there. As he prayed, his heart
broke before God. Mr. and Mrs. Gregory shared fully his blessing of spiritual
uplift. When he prayed for Harold, "the hero of faith" of the day before, and
for Mr. Anderson, "the devoted brother who sought truly to reveal Christ,"
Harold's cup was full.
The prayer ended. Harold quietly withdrew, and Dr. Spaulding also hastened
to his cabin.
But before going back to work, Harold went to Mr. Anderson's quarters and
told him what had occurred in Mr. Gregory's cabin.
"Thank God," said the minister, "the day of miracles is not past."
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Installment forty-two.
Our previous entry ended with Mrs. Gregory wondering whether there are
many ministers who preach one thing and believe another.
Installment forty-two:
Now Mr. Gregory replied to his wife: "you must be patient and charitable in
this matter, even though you see what looks like dishonesty. I don't like to
call it that; rather, I would call it confusion resulting from long years of
training in the wrong direction. As Dr. Spaulding has said, he has scarcely
been able to analyze his own views. We have gone on, however, teaching
many times what we have not known to be true, even though we have not
taught what we have known to be false. It is perfectly safe to say that the
majority of the ministry today take this position. But the circumstances of
this trip, - the contact with Harold Wilson and his marked Bible, the attitude
of Captain Mann, the work of Mr. Anderson. the discussions among Mr.
Mitchell and us, and finally, yesterday's incident - all these have caused me
to see that I nust take an entirely different course; and I intend for every-
one on this ship to know what God has done for me. " So Mr. Gregory, led
by the Spirit of God, finally and fully committed himself."
"Before you go, Dr. Spaulding, won't you take that Bible and read for us?
Read the fortieth Psalm, please."
Dr. Spaulding gladly accepted the request and, picking up the marked
Bible, turned to Psalm forty and began to read slowly, with a great tender-
ness taking possesion of his heart. Scores and scores of times during his
ministry he had read this same passage, but never before had its voice
seemed to speak so directly to him, or its message appeared so sweet.
When he reached the eigth verse, it was underlined. In the margin was
written the following: "God's will is God's law - is the true and only object
of life. Ecclesiastes 12:13. Not wealth, not health, not happiness, not
salvation, not philanthropy, but doing God's gracious will. He who delights
in the will of God has found the climax of all holiness and will surely be
instrumental, as Jesus was, in leading others to love and serve. This is
the revelation of God in man and through man. - Mother."
Dr. Spaulding stopped. The word "Mother" at the close of the note aroused
in him a peculiar interest. He asked, "who is the mother who wrote this
While the words were still on his lips, there was a knock on the door. Then
Harold Wilson entered. He was coming back for his Bible.
To be continued...
Friday, September 10, 2010
Installement forty-one.
Dr. Spaulding is now facing tough questions from Mr. Gregory regarding
the truth of the Sabbath.
Installment Forty-one:
"Mr. Gregory, you are down to the real heart now," was Dr. Spaulding's
reply, "and I'm going to be frank. I am going to tell you what I have never
breathed to a soul before; everything you have said is true. Without any
doubt, Sunday as a day of rest is only a child of apostasy. There is not a
snatch of evidence, in any of the writings of the fathers, to prove that it
has any claim to divine sanction. But I have looked at the matter from
another angle - I have given respectful consideration to the thought that
as Sunday was the day of resurrection, we could properly celebrate that
glorious event by worshiping on that day. I must say, though, that if I
were on my dying bed, I should not want to make any strong claim for
that practice. Certainly God never commanded it."
"Then tell me, Dr. Spaulding," said Mrs. Gregory, "how in the world could
you stand before the people every week and teach something of which you
were not absolutely sure? Don't you believe the Bible?"
"Mrs. Gregory, let me bear my heart a bit further. You have now suggested
the real difficulty of the whole proposition. I believe I have been playing with
the word of God. I recognize that there has come into my life something
which has undermined my old-time confidence. The Bible has ceased to be
a really authoritative divine record. I have treated it, in a measure, as though
it were from men rather than from the Lord; and on that account, I have
argued just to carry my point and not to find the truth."
"I have done the same to some extent," said Mr. Gregory.
"Well, are you both intending to continue that course? asked Mrs. Gregory.
"It seems to me that God is trying very hard today to help us all change."
"And become Sabbatarians, Mrs. Gregory?" Dr. Spaulding questioned.
"I didn't say that, yet maybe that is what any true and complete change
would mean. You know, Dr. Spaulding, that if we do take God's word as an
inspired oracle and as our only guide in living, there is no escaping the fact
that we are under absolute moral obligation to obey the fourth command-
ment. Isn't that so?"
"Certainly." was the answer. "There is not a hint that any other day was
divinely set apart."
"So far as the Bible is concerned, then, the Sabbatarians are correct, are
they not?"
"Yes, without a doubt, but oh the idea of keeping a day different from
the rest! That hurts me. Why, one actually becomes the laughingstock
of society. I myself have called the seventh-day people 'Christ-killers'
and 'fanatics.' "
"You certainly have," said Mr. Gregory. "Those were the terms you
were using yesterday when we were interrupted by the cry 'Woman
Overboard!' "
"Well, I never knew before that ministers of the Gospel were so unwilling
to yield to what they knew to be right. And do you mean to tell me that
there are others in the pulpit who talk one thing and believe another?"
exclaimed Mrs. Gregory.
To be continued...
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Installment forty.
On our previous entry Mrs. Gregory was asking point blank whether she
and her husband should openly embrace the Sabbath. Now it is Dr.
Spaulding's turn to answer.
Installment forty:
"Mrs. Gregory, you have placed me in an exceedingly trying position, yet
you have done so unwittingly. You may not be aware that I have been
strongly opposed to the seventh-day Sabbath idea and have regarded it
as a delusion, something that is calculated to hinder the progress of the
Gospel in this time of great world evangelism. But to be perfectly frank,
I will say that it is everyone's privilege and duty to obey his conscience."
"But Dr. Spaulding," queried Mr. Gregory, "do you feel absolutely con-
fident that you are right in the positions you have taken regarding the
Sabbath? For instance, are you ready to stake your salvation on the
thought that the Sabbath is not to be kept, because the law is abolished?
Really, didn't Jesus honor the Ten Commandments and die to satisfy
their claims? Does not the story of Calvary show that the law of the new
covenant, the law written in the heart, is the law proclaimed from Sinai?
Before God, tell me. Let us be honest with our own hearts."
"Well, Mr. Gregory, I don't know how to analize my position. When I
read such texts as Matthew 5:17, 18; Romans 3:31; 8:3, 4; James 2:8-12;
Matthew 9:17, and other like passages, there is in my mind a bit of doubt.
No. I cannot truly say I am absolutely confident."
"Another question, then," continued Mr. Gregory: "Ought we not to regard
the example and teaching of Jesus as vital?"
"Yes, I believe we ought."
Dr. Spaulding began to relax, and a spirit of freedom which he almost un-
willingly enjoyed began to take possesion of him.
"Well, that's my opinion, too," continued Mr. Gregory. "For a long time I
have had in mind that if I would yield my pride, and freely follow the
saviour's plan, I would be a Sabbath keeper. He certainly was, yet not as
a Jew. Jesus was the Universal Man, and therefore His Sabbath keeping
was of universal import. He is my example and I see no way to escape
the conclusion that I should do as He did."
"You told me, Dr. Spaulding, that you had been connected to one of the
seminaries conducted by your people, and that you taught church
history. Tell me, please, has not your study shown you that the Sabbath
of the fourth commandment was kept by the apostles and by the church
generally for hundreds of years after Christ? Is it not true that the early
church was influenced by the forms and ceremonies of ancient pagan sun
worship and that the church gradually adopted the customs of the time?
Sunday observance being one of them? And, to make a long story short,
was it not the church, fallen and corrupted, seeking for worldy position
and power, that in the fourth century actually substituted Sunday for
the Sabbath, and compelled the recognition of it by law?"
To be continued...
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Installment thirty-nine.
Now Mr. and Mrs. Gregory are left alone in their cabin to discuss the
events of the day.
Installment thirty-nine:
"What are you going to do about this truth of the Sabbath?" Mrs. Gregory
asked when a knock on the door interrupted their conversation. It was Dr.
"I'm so glad you came in," said Mrs. Gregory. "My husband and I were
just talking about a matter of personal duty and I'd like you to join us."
Dr. Spaulding glanced about the stateroom, instinctively detecting that
the matter of personal duty was one which, above all others, he would
avoid. His distress was apparent, particularly when he saw Harold's
Bible lying on the table, which the young man had left behind in his haste.
"Perhaps you have not long to stay with us," said Mrs. Gregory, "so I will
come at once to my point."
Dr. Spaulding's eyes seemed to be pinned on a text which, as a motto for
the voyage, Mrs. Gregory had posted on the side wall of the stateroom.
"You see, Dr. Spaulding, my husband and I have been taken through a
hard experience. As you know, yesterday God sent me down through
"the valley of the shadow," and as I considered all the circumstances, I am
profoundly convinced that it was to teach me to be willing to bear my
cross as the Lord Jesus would have me. I have been bitterly opposed
to the idea of observing the true Sabbath of the Lord, although ever
since I was a child, I have heard something telling me that Sunday is
not the Christian day of rest. Yesterday that bitterness almost cost me
my life, and only the heroic act of a Sabbath keeper saved me. I have
come to see what God wants me to do and I intend to do it. My husband
can also see it. He is also convinced that the truth spoken yesterday
called for surrender on our part. My question is: Don't you think we
should both come out at once and openly take our stand in favor of
the Sabbath? You are an ambassador for Christ and I want you to
give me your most sincere opinion."
Little did the good woman know that the day before, at the very same
time she fell overboard, Dr. Spaulding was seeking to persuade her
husband that Harold Wilson was a menace to the Christian belief of
a vast majority of the passengers, and that Mr. Anderson should be
shunned by both ministers and lay people.
Mr. Gregory sensed the embarrassment of the situation and sought
to come to Dr. Spaulding's aid.
"Dr. Spaulding," he said, "don't you regard it as remarkable, in view
of what we were discussing at the time of the accident, that Mr.
Wilson should have been the one to save my wife's life? And mark
you, he himself has said the truth which has recently come to him
was what gave him inspiration and faith to jump overboard and
attempt the rescue. Don't you think it's remarkable?"
"Yes, Gregory, I do. And I confess myself reproved for what I said."
"But you must answer my question, Dr. Spaulding," Mrs. Gregory
insisted. "Don't you think we should both keep the Sabbath, even
though it may cost us everything we have in the world, when we
have come to understand that God is calling upon us to do so?"
To be continued...
Monday, September 6, 2010
Installment thirty eight
Mr. Anderson is still explaining to Mrs. Gregory the
significance of the Sabbath when the conversation turns
to Harold Wilson.
Installment thirty eight:
" Harold Wilson impresses me as having found a great blessing."
said Mrs. Gregory.
"Yes. He has kept only one Sabbath, but he found a remarkable
blessing in it. What came into his soul from the Sabbath carried
him over the ship's side yesterday. He has told me this and he's
certain that God regarded his obedience and answered his prayer
to find you. He calls you his 'Sabbath-saved woman.' "
"I don't doubt it for a minute," Mrs. Gregory replied. "That's why
I'm opening my heart today."
"But let me continue a bit further. In the fifty-sixth chapter of his
book Isaiah prophesies of a great Sabbath return among the gentiles
of these last days. Read verses 1-8 and you will see that it is specially
a Gospel message, and promises those who enter into a Sabbath
covenant with Him 'a place and a name better than of sons and
daughters.' He will give them 'an everlasting name that shall not be
cut off.' Everlasting life is involved.
"Surely, then, someone must preach that Sabbath message at this
time. Someone must especially emphasize its importance, even as
God asks."
"Why other ministers do not accept these plain statements? They
seem plain enough to me, though I have never read them before,
but the ministers have read them."
"I can tell you why some of them do not accept," said Mr. Gregory.
"They are a little too much as I am. They don't like to acknowledge
that they have been wrong. If all the clergyman who really see the
truth of this Sabbath were to confess their convictions, there would
be few left to offer opposition. I know what I'm talking about. Many
of them have privately admitted to me that the Sabbatarians are
"Well, dear, you have never said that in my presence. I'm surprised."
"Look at it as blindness, which for a while hinders them from reading
their own motives," said Mr. Gregory.
"We will continue our conversation some other day. I am sure you're
both tired. Good night," said Mr. Anderson.
To be continued....
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Installment thirty-seven
Mr. Anderson is now trying to answer some of the questions
about the Sabbath presented to him by Mrs. Gregory.
Installment thirty-seven:
"The Sabbath is one of the great blessings. It was designed to
preserve a sacred relationship between the human family and
the creator. The most casual reading of the fourth commandment
shows the great purpose of the Sabbath. It was to help men keep
in mind the making of the heaven and the earth. It is the memorial
of that great work. It reminds us of God's creative power. It calls
upon us to obey Him because He is creator. True Sabbath keeping
means constant surrender to God. It has been always helpful in
keeping man from idolatry."
"This is beautifully brought out in the words of Exodus 31:17; 'It
is a sign between me and the children of Israel forever.' Ezekiel
tells us: 'I [the Lord] gave them my Sabbaths to be a sign between
me and them, that they might know that I am the Lord that sanctify
them.' The reason is that God puts Himself, his own presence, into
the day, and through its acceptance, also into the Sabbath keeper's
heart. So every Sabbath renews and strengthens faith in the creator."
"You will note that the Sabbath is a sign between God and Israel for-
ever. This does not refer only to Jews, the descendants of Abraham,
for they soon gave up real Sabbath keeping, and therefore did not
know the Sabbath as a blessing. 'Israel' means more than Jews. The
term is one that includes the true believer in all ages, and down to the
end of time. All Christians are spiritual Israelites. All who would be
kept in the way of righteousness will keep Sabbath and find it a sign,
a memorial, of His redeeming power. Creation and redemption, you
see, are the same, both calling for the Sabbath memorial."
"Yes, I can see that," said Mrs. Gregory.
"It is very easy to see why the Lord has always emphasized the truth
of the Sabbath. As you remember, it was the test that God brought to
Israel in Egypt (Exodus 5:5); it was the test thirty days before they
came to Sinai (Exodus 16); and at Sinai, the fourth commandment was
revealed (Nehemiah 9:14).
"Listen also to the striking word of Isaiah, the Gospel prophet: 'if thou
turn away thy foot from the Sabbath, from doing thy pleasure on My
holy day; and call the Sabbath a delight, the holy of the Lord, honorable,
and shalt honor Him... then shalt thou delight thyself in the Lord; and I
will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth' (Isaiah 58:13-14).
How plain the prophet makes it! All spiritual power and uplift are to be
found in the Sabbath of God!
"I have said that Isaiah is 'the Gospel prophet.' He is. What we have read
has reference to our own Gospel time. God is calling, in Isaiah's message
for us to turn our feet from the Sabbath, to stop trampling it underfoot.
And the promise is actually fulfilled to those who obey."
To be continued...
Monday, August 30, 2010
Installment thirty-six
On our previous entry, Mr. Gregory fainted when he saw that the woman
rescued from drowning was his wife.
Installment thirty-six:
"Mr. Wilson," said Mrs. Gregory, as she lay in her stateroom the next day,
"I must tell you why I've sent for you. My husband here must know also.
"I was at the service yesterday in the parlor and heard Mr. Anderson
discuss the Sabbath question; and while I am ashamed to say it, I was
really angry at some things that were said. I didn't like to hear them, and
I didn't want others to hear. And, of course, I blamed you. Someone had
told me that it was because of your relations with Mr. Anderson that the
service was held; and when, at the last, I heard you say, 'Amen,' I said to
myself, 'I wish that young upstart would fall overboard and deliver us
from any more Sabbath talk.'
"After the meeting, I came to my room and tried to forget the whole thing;
but I couldn't, so I returned to the parlor. As I saw you still there, I was
more bitter than ever. I passed the parlor door; but as I did so, my feelings
overcame me. I grew dizzy and -well, I knew no more until I awakened on
deck and learned that I had been delivered. And you, the object of my evil
wishes, were chosen of God to be my rescuer!
Mr. Wilson, I am begging your forgiveness. I am also going to ask you to
take out your Bible and tell me more about the truth which I have been
trying to reject."
Harold humbly acknowleged his great ignorance and asked if she would
not rather study with Mr. Anderson.
"Do you think he would be willing to come?" she asked.
"Oh, I am sure he would" was the reply. Harold hastened to bring his
"Mr. Anderson," said Mrs. Gregory, "I am deeply in earnest today. My
husband and I want to learn more. The terrible happening yesterday
was from God to correct us and make us willing to receive unadulterated
teaching. Now what I want to ask is, Why do you specially emphasize the
question of the seventh-day Sabbath? Does God require you to do it?
And why is it that so many people, especially the ministers, are so
determined not to listen to your message?"
"Sister, your questions are rather broad, and really require more study
than the circumstances will permit. However, they are to the point, and
I am glad the Scriptures can give you an answer."
To be continued...
Friday, August 27, 2010
Installment thirty five.
At the end of our previous entry, a woman had fallen overboard.
Installment thirty-five:
"Woman overboard!!!
"Who is it? Who is it?" was on everyone's tongue, but no one knew.
The two clergymen, Dr. Spaulding and Mr. Gregory rushed to the opposite
side of the vessel, reaching the rail just in time to see Harold Wilson emerge
from the main parlor, quickly lay down his Bible, take off his coat and plunge
into the sea.
"Ah, how foolish! How foolish!" exclaimed Dr. Spaulding. "It means two lives
instead of one. No living man can handle himself in the wake of this vessel."
"God help him!" was Mr. Gregory's response.
And God surely did help. The brave act of Harold was one of faith. Even while
he battled with the waters his thoughts went up to God for help. His prayers
were graciously answered.
His eye caught sight of a hand as it appeared for an instant above the waters
a few feet away. He threw himself towards the spot with all his might.
The drowning woman's dress was now in his hand. Deftly and quickly
he made sure of his human treasure and started toward the vessel.
"Thank God!" called out Dr. Spaulding. The passengers cheered and wept.
Meanwwhile Captain Mann had ordered the engines reversed; and the great
"Pacific Clipper" was brought to a dead stop. A lifeboat was lowered, and
Harold and the yet unknown woman were soon safely lifted to the deck.
Mr. Gregory pressed his way to the center of the scene, that he might grasp
the hand of the young hero, and be of whatever service possible. But as he
was about to reach for Harold's hand, the face of the rescued woman, now
partially resuscitated was before him.
His face turned pale. His strength gave way, and he fell heavily to the deck.
It was his wife!
To be continued....
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Installment thirty-four.
On today's entry we will make a break from the action of our previous
chapter to return to the conversation between Mr. Gregory and Dr.
Spaulding after the preaching by Mr. Anderson.
Installment thirty-four:
At the close of Mr. Anderson's service in the parlor, Dr. Spaulding and Mr.
Gregory got together to discuss Mr. Anderson's views on the Sabbath. As
they were talking, Captain Mann went by and Dr. Sapulding called to him.
"Captain, just a moment of your time. I simply want to ask; can we not
devise some plan to stop further spread of this Sabbath talk? It is not
producing the best results, inasmuch as it stirs up the spirit of unwhole-
some argument and, sooner or later, may be the means of unsettling the
views of some very good Christian people. That young man with the
marked Bible is already completely misled and I noticed that he is in-
fluencing others. You see, captain, I am terribly afraid of fanaticism."
"Well, Dr. Spaulding, you are aware that you are at liberty to plan as
you wish. The freedom of the vessel is yours. But let me say this, the
young man of whom you speak, Harold Wilson, has become during the
brief period since we left San Francisco, such a splendid Christian, such
a trustworthy and capable co-worker, that I marvel. From a profilgate,
a drinking, swearing, gambling, thieving criminal, as I have known him,
he has been transformed into the sober, praying, industrious, honest,
young man you see today. This certainly must be the fruit of a good
tree. And I confess that I myself have tasted and been made better.
"I must hasten, but let me assure you that this is something of which
you need not be afraid. It is not fanaticism. There is a large amount of
zeal, but it is founded on knowledge of the Bible. No one can go far
astray who studies the word of God. "
Then the captain left (and now we return to the scene where our
previous chapter ended).
"Do you believe God will enable me to bear the cross?" Mr. Severance
was asking when Captain Mann entered the room.
The view which met his eye as he entered the room was one which he
was never to forget. There sat Mr. Severance, bowed over the table,
with face buried in hands. And as he entered, Harold Wilson, Bible in
hand and with his arm thrown over the shoulder of the merchant, was
bearing witness to him of the surety of God's promise and of the
wonderful blessing that had come to him in the truth of the fourth
As Captain Mann beheld the spirit manifested by Harold - the spirit
of the real soul winner and helper of those in trouble - his emotions
overcame him, and tears filled his eyes. How strange, yet how
beautiful was this expression of tenderness in this hardy veteran of
the sea! But not a word esaped his lips. He simply stepped over to
Mr. Anderson, gripped his hand strongly and feelingly, and with
quivering lip hastened on to his duty.
A shriek startled the little group in the dining room, and almost
immediately the cry, "Woman Overboard!" began to sound from
one end of the vessel to the other.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Installment thirty-three.
The question hanging at the end of our previous chapter was: "Why the
absolute day is so necessary?"
Installment thirty-three:
Mr. Anderson answered: "A simple illustration will make this clear. Let me
place before you seven glasses. Six are filled with water, one with juice.
I say to you, if you take the seventh glass, you will find the most delicious
drink you ever tasted. You'd love to taste this drink I mention, yet only one
glass has it, that is the seventh glass, and you must follow my count to find
what you are after. Let me put it this way, the blessing of this wonderful
juice is wrapped up in my numbering of the glasses. So it is with the Sabbath.
God blessed the seventh day. He put his presence into that particular day
and into no other. If I find Him as my heart really longs to know Him, I must
begin to count as He counted; making my days correspond to His. When I do
so, I am rewarded by actually finding Him, knowing Him, resting in Him.
I have rest because I am with the Sabbath. The true Sabbath keeper, there-
fore, has in his service a blessing that not even a sincere Sunday keeper ever
"I see it, Mr. Anderson. I see it," declared Mr. Severance, "and this day I
join you in the larger service of the Sabbath that God has given. Will you pray
for me? I especially need help in arranging my business."
"I praise the dear Lord, Mr. Severance, for this decision. It is the decision of
faith, I am sure. God will help you in shaping your affairs for His service."
"I have in mind, however," said Mr. Severance, more than you think. This
is a day of tremendous conviction. My business career all through the years
has been along lines that the world might regard as legitimate; but this after-
noon something has told me that if I would be holy, and know Him who is
holy, and enjoy Him in His holy day, I must retrace many of my steps. I must
adjust all my methods to different standards, and go before my patrons and
business associates in confession, yes even more, I shall let many a dollar
revert to its real owner. Do you believe God will enable me to bear the cross?"
At this juncture, Captain Mann entered the rom.
To be continued...
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Installment thirty-two.
The question posed at the end of our previous chapter was:
"Has not my sincere observance of Sunday been acknowledged
by God?"
Installment thirty-two:
"Yes, brother, you have undoubtedly enjoyed God's love because
you gladly did all you knew to be right. But suppose you see the
truth of the fourth commandment and then fail to follow it. Jesus
said regarding those in His day, "if I had not come and spoken
unto them, they had not had sin, but now they have no cloak for
their sin." John 15:22. Paul pointed out the same principle when
he said, 'the times of this ignorance God winked at, but now
commandeth all men everywhere to repent.' Acts 17:30.
Sincerity in wrongdoing ceases to be possible when the light
reveals the better way. Sincerity then obliges a man to change
his course."
Harold Wilson, intensely enthusiastic in his new-found experience
and eager to learn, asked another question:
"Mr. Anderson, one of the ministers has told me that it is all right
to keep the seventh day, but the only question is, where shall we
begin to count? He said he kept the seventh day, but he began his
count on Monday. What do you think about it?"
"That is what I have been taught," said Mr. Severance.
Now Mr. Anderson spoke: "Turn to Exodus 16 and the story of the
manna. God said he wanted to 'prove' or 'try' the people, as to
whether they would walk in His law. The plan was that the people
should gather their food every day from the first to the sixth. Each
day for five days they were to gather only as much as they needed
for that day, planning to have nothing remain over until the morning.
On the sixth day, however, they were to gather a suply for two days,
the second portion to be used on the seventh day, when no manna
fell. This was the Lord's arrangement.
"Now the count of the days was not left to man's choice. God himself
did the numbering. And if anyone tried to make a change, there was
only confusion and loss, besides definite reproof from the Lord.
Evidently some attempted a change by trying to keep the food over
until the morning; but 'it bred worms and stank.' Verse 20. Others
went out on the seventh day to gather manna, but found none. It
was absolutely impossible to change the count.
Now note the message that came as a result of their careless dis-
obedience: 'How long refuse ye to keep my commandments and
my law?' The test of loyalty was upon the matter of right counting
- counting as God counted, with the Sabbath as the great objective.
"Well, Mr. Anderson, that certainly settles the question of the count.
Still it isn't altogether clear to me just why the absolute day is so
necessary," said Mr. Severance.
To be continued...
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Installment thirty-one
Our previous chapter ended at the point when Judge Kershaw was getting
ready to make a decision for Christ while everybody kept silence.
Installment thirty-one:
Now Mr. Severance spoke: "Judge, this day has been a day of revelation
to me also. But I must know more. Mr. Anderson, may I ask you a few
brief questions? For instance, if the seventh day is the Sabbath day, and
if we are morally bound to make it our day of rest, why does the church
as a whole does not see it and acknowledge it? This troubles me."
"I have no doubt, Mr. Severance," Mr. Anderson began, "that there are
many cause which have led the professed Christian world to observe
Sunday rather than Sabbath. I may venture to remark that the Sabbath
has been set aside for the same reason that other great moral duties have
been disregarded. You will remember that the apostle Paul clearly fore-
told a time when professed Christians would 'not endure sound doctrine,'
but would 'heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears from the
truth.' 2 Timothy 4:3,4.
"A brief examination of the word of God shows that this evil course has
been common through the ages. It has apparently been easy for men
to estimate lightly the word of God. Surely it is so now, when higher
criticism finds ready access to both pulpit and pew, placing the writings
of inspiration at the same level as the works of Shakespeare and others.
The day has come when even the Ten Commandments are regarded
by many as out of date and in need of revision."
"Yes," said one in the group, "I was told only yesterday by a man who
looked like a minister that we can no longer hold the Bible as an
absolute, unquestioned authority. He said that much of the Old
Testament had been shown to be historically inaccurate, and that
the miracles recorded in the Gospels were largely allegorical. I asked
him in particular about the resurrection and ascencion of Christ, and
he only shrugged his shoulders and smiled."
"Of course, Mr. Severance," continued Mr. Anderson, "not all the
professed people of God have so far departed from the old paths
that they have set the Scriptures aside. There are many beautiful
and notable exceptions. But if you would know why the churches
of today, generally speaking, reject the Sabbath truth, you will
find the reason in the facts I have pointed out."
"Again, you will hear that if you're only sincere in what you do,
your service is accepted. This sounds good, but it is misleading.
Sincerity is necessary, but it never excuses ignorance."
"Now, let me understand you, Mr. Anderson," said Mr. Severance.
"Has not my sincere observance of Sunday been acknoledged of
God? I have surely tried to be a Christian."
To be continued....
Friday, August 20, 2010
Installment thirty
At the end of our previous chapter, Judge Kershaw was explaining that
he had finally been able to understand what brought peace to the heart
of the accused man he had met so long ago.
Installment thirty:
"Judge, pardon me, but I, too, have found the peace which the young man
had," said Harold Wilson, "and I have found it since coming aboard the
vessel. I have found it in this Sabbath truth which was presented today."
"Young man, I do not doubt you. You are the one, are you not, who is
called 'the man with the marked Bible'?"
"Yes, sir; and I asked Mr. Anderson to read from my marked Bible today."
Judge Kershaw picked up the book and glanced through it. There was
moisture in his eyes.
"Mr. Anderson," he said, "this reminds me of my boyhood, when my parents
sought to lead me to a religious life. Like many boys, I was foolishly inclined
to make light of Christianity; and before I could realize it, my youthful days
had passed, and I found myself graduated from college and entering upon my
professional career without hope. My education only served to crystallize my
early unbelief; and all through the years since, I have seen little or nothing in
the average church or its teachings to cause me to change.
One thought, however, has always followed me - a thought expressed by my
mother. A few days before she died, she called me to her and said: 'Son, I have
not always lived before you as I should, and you have your doubts about
Christianity, but some day, I know not when, you will surely see that God's
word is true, that there are those who have proved it divine. So you will be
led to yield your heart to the Author, and love and serve Him.' This Bible
reminds me of those times so long ago because it is marked as my mother
marked hers. And, strange to say, the Ten Commandments were especially
remembered, even as in this Bible. Mother was a firm believer in every one
of the Commandments of God.
"But think of it! Here I am, an old man of seventy years. It is nearly time for
me to go. Do you suppose this is the hour when mother's prayers should be
There was a moment of deep silence. All seemed to realize that a sacred
decision was being made, a decision involving the salvation of a soul, in
answer to a prayer offered by a dying mother a half century ago.
To be continued...
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Installment twenty-nine.
In our previous installment the group dispersed after Mr. Anderson
finished his defense of the Sabbath.
Installment twenty-nine:
"Mr. Anderson, you will pardon me, I am sure, if I detain you for a moment.
This service has simply compelled me to come and take you by the hand and
to express to you my appreciation."
Mr. Anderson did not recognize the man.
"Of course, you do not know me; and may I therefore introduce myself as
Judge Kershaw of Little Rock, Arkansas?"
"Oh, are you the man who interrogated Dr. Spaulding yesterday?"
"Yes, sir, though perhaps I should be ashamed of what has since appeared
to me an impertinence, but you see, Dr. Spaulding's statements greatly
stirred me, as I remembered the occasion of several years ago, when at
his instance, a member of your denomination was brought before me for
Sunday violation."
A group of interested passengers began to form as soon as Judge Kershaw
began to speak. Harold Wilson was among them.
"At that time," the judge continued, "I thought I discovered on the part of
the prosecution a distinct spirit of intolerance, which to my mind is utterly
foreign to the gospel of Jesus Christ. But while this was true, the young
defendant manifested most beautiful patience and self-restraint; and as
he acted as his own counsel, I was persuaded that his principles were of a
higher order."
"Was he convicted, judge?" asked one of the listeners. "Yes; the letter of
the law had been violated, the jury brought in a verdict of guilty, and I was
obliged to pass sentence. But I was hurt, deeply hurt- hurt in one sense by
the wrong spirit shown by the professed Christians who prosecuted, and
hurt in another sense by the excellent spirit of the one who was condemned.
"Now I believe I have discovered the secret of that man's behavior. He had
Christ in his soul. He had a rest and peace to which all of us were strangers.
Why, when I was about to pass sentence and asked him if he had any further
word to give the court, he said: 'your honor, I wish to thank you and the
gentlemen of the jury for the spirit of fairness shown during the trial. You
need have no regret that you are obliged to pass this sentence. We may all
well be sad that our statute books are cumbered with a few laws that work
hardship to innocent and inoffensive citizens. Personally I hope to see the
day when our state will abolish this particular law which today sends me
to prison. I submit gladly to the penalty, as a Christian ought. I forgive
freely the men who have brought me this experience. And I want you all
to know that in my heart there is a peace surpassing all understanding, a
peace which will brighten every day and hour I shall spend behind bars."
"I sent him to prison, and in the prison he died. And from that day until
now, I have had his picture much before me and I wanted to know what it
was that made him the man he was."
To be continued...
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Installment twenty-eight
At the end of our previous entry, Mr. Anderson was making a point that
God sanctified the "seventh day," and not any other day. It was at this
point that Mr. Gregory interrupted with a question.
Installment twenty-eight:
"May I ask, brother," said Mr. Gergory, "what evidence you have that the
first seventh day is now to be identified with Saturday? To my mind, there
is much to show that our Sunday is the original seventh day."
"The evidence, Mr. Gregory, is so simple, and withal so complete, that there
can scarcely be a mistake. Without question, the fourth commandment calls
attention to the seventh day known at the beginning, does it not?"
"I agree with you that far." said Mr. Gregory.
"Very well, and I presume you will also agree with me in holding that the
Sabbath kept by the Saviour was the same as that given at Sinai."
"Yes, I think so," was the reply.
"I was sure you would," said Mr. Anderson; "and now le me call your
attention to the statement made in Luke 23:56, that, after the crucifixion,
the women who had been the most devoted disciples of Christ kept the
Sabbath day 'according to the commandment'. "
"Yes, but right there is a missing link. That may have been the ceremonial
Sabbath of the Passover week rather than the moral Sabbath of the fourth
commandment. You see, we must keep track of the week and make sure
that we are keeping in touch with the cycle of seven days, which continued
unbroken from creation until now."
"That is important, Mr. Gregory, and so important that our Lord has given
it emphasis. Let me ask a question: Was the Sabbath the women kept, the
day which came just before that other day, called 'the first day.'?"
"Yes, sir, it must have been."
"Another question: Was not that next day the day of the resurrection?"
"It certainly was."
"Then what 'first' day was it? Why, the Scriptures distinctly state that it
was the first day of the week. Do you think, friends, there is any missing
link in the connections? I do not believe that even Mr. Gregory will have
any questions about it. As you see, there is the Sabbath of the fourth
commandment, followed by the first day of the week, the week which
we all know to be the week of our present time. So we know that the
Sabbath of the fourth commandment, which is the Sabbath of creation
is the seventh day of our week. It is therefore the day which we ought to
observe and in which we shall find blessing. Isn't that plain?"
There was no dissent. Mr. Anderson had carried his audience with him.
"And do you remember the story of the burning bush? Exodus 3:1-6.
God's presence was revealed to Moses; and the word came, 'Put off
thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy.'
The presence of God made the very surroundings holy. The same word
was spoken to Joshua in Joshua 5:13-15.
So we learn this: God's blessing is His own presence. His presence
imparted to man makes the man holy. His presence manifested in
a place makes the place holy. The rest of the story is plain - His presence,
His blessing, in the seventh day makes the seventh day holy.
When God blessed the seventh day He simply put His presence into that
day for all earth's history. He did this for man. You know that Jesus said
'the Sabbath was made for man.' And how wonderful, then, was the
making! Every seventh day brings His blessed, holy presence. The holy
day carries its sanctifying, cleansing, uplifting power into the heart of
God's worshiping ones, and makes them glad in the gift of holiness.
The author of the Sabbath was Jesus Christ. Read John 1:1-3, 14;
Colossians 1:13-16. It is His presence which the seventh day encloses.
It is His life of which I partake in Sabbath keeping. And do I not there-
fore preach Him when I truly preach the Sabbath? Ah! This Sabbath
truth is among the grandest, of all the grand things brought to view
in the word of God!"
"Amen," called out Harold Wilson, who, by special invitation of Captain
Mann, was present; and all eyes turned his way.
Captain Mann was visibly affected. He recognized a witnessing voice
that was speaking in his soul. It was the voice of truth, which he could
not reject.
Dr. Spaulding and Mr. Gregory quietly waited until Mr. Anderson had
offered a short prayer, then they left.
"Spaulding, what did you think of that?" asked Mr. Gregory when they
were alone.
To be continued...
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Installment twenty-seven
At the end of our previous entry Mr. Anderson was asked if God rested
because He was tired. Here is Mr. Anderson's response:
Installment Twenty-Seven:
"The Sabbath was not originated nor given to man because of weariness
on the part of either God or man. Of the creator, it is written that He
'fainteth not, neither is weary' (Isaiah 40:28); and man, who was 'in His
image,' knew nothing of physical deterioration and decay until after the
seeds of sin had been sown. If sin had never entered the world, there
would have been no such things as tired nerves or tired muscles, no
breaking down of the tissues of life, no sickness, no death. Therefore,
as the Sabbath was given before the Fall, its great and primary purpose
was not that man should merely cease from his regular employment,
but that he should enjoy the same 'rest' the maker enjoyed.
Keep this in mind, dear friends, for it is vital to an understanding of the
whole matter. He who sees in Sabbath keeping nothing more than the
laying aside of his secular labor for a certain twenty-four hours, and the
enjoyment of the privileges of rest, change, and church-going, has not
yet found the secret of the Sabbath as it was given to mankind.
As we have just read, God never wearies. He is the great I AM, the self-
existent One, who inhabits eternity, with whom years are not. Yet we
read that He rested. More than this, the Bible tells us that 'He rested
and was refreshed.' Exodus 31:17. His was the rest of a divine joy in
beholding the perfection of His wonderful handiwork and in receiving
from His earth children the love and adoration that sprang from their
quick-pulsing and worshipful hearts. It was the rest of communion,
of reciprocal affection, of heart understanding. And I believe that I
have often found, in my Sabbath keeping, a little fragment of the
restful joy and the joyful rest of that first Eden day when God rested
and worshiped with man. It is this beautiful experience that I wish you
all to know."
There were some who dared to say "Amen" and many present found
their hearts strangely stirred by the minister's words.
"But let me continue," he said. "That the blessedness of the first Sabbath
might be perpetuated, that its experiences might be multiplied and
known eternally by all who live upon earth, God arranged that each
succeeding Sabbath should be a repetition of the first. The record is,
'God blessed the seventh-day and sanctified it' - a statement which
carries in it the very fullness of divine purpose, divine power, divine
presence and wisdom.
Please note, first, that the Bible text speaks of the seventh day; second,
that it declares this day is 'sanctified' -that is set apart or appointed to
holy or sacred use. It is the seventh day, not a seventh part of time."
"May I ask, brother," said Mr. Gregory...
To be continued...
Monday, August 16, 2010
Installment twenty-six
On our previous entry we left Mr. Anderson in the middle of his defense
of the Sabbath. He was arguing that no one is saved by works, but a truly
converted Christian is moved to keep the law out of conviction.
Installment twenty-six:
"Mr. Anderson," said one of the San Francisco women, "you don't believe,
then, that people must keep the law as a means of salvation?"
"No, madam; Jesus Christ alone, by our faith in Him, cleanses and saves.
Then he lives in our hearts. As soon as we have received Him into our lives
we see fulfilled in us all the glorious things that the law ordains. Romans 8:
3-4. Faith establishes the law in our hearts as the law of our life. Romans
"Well, Mr. Anderson, I want to acknowledge that as a beautiful truth. I see
it plainly," said the woman. "But may I ask if you really find the Sabbath a
blessing -that is, the seventh-day Sabbath? You probably know that we
have been thought it is Jewish, a matter of bondage, a yoke which no one
can wear with pleasure."
"This reminds me," said Mr. Anderson, "of one of the questions I have in
hand here. It reads, 'Why do you not preach Christ instead of so much
Sabbath? Is not the preaching of Christ the all-important thing?'
"Perhaps I may answer the two questions together.
"I wonder if we actually understand the expressions: 'preaching the Sabbath'
and 'preaching Christ.' What is the Sabbath? Who is Christ?
"To determine the character of the Sabbath, it is necessary to look back to
the beginnings of time, to those days before sin came. There we find God's
perfect plan. There we see what should have been always, and what will be
when the reign of sin is ended.
"The story is that God's work was completed, and all was 'very good.' 'The
heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them.' Then God
rested. 'He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had
made.' Genesis 2:2. In the paradise home, the great author of life kept
Sabbath with the two beautiful beings who were to have dominion over
the earth. And while His created beings kept Sabbath, the heavenly
chorus 'sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy.' Job 38:7.
Surely that first Sabbath must have been a delightful day, and its
service glorious beyond description."
"But, my brother," interrupted Dr. Spaulding, "you would not have this
people believe that God was tired, would you?"
"No, and I was intending to cover that point. Let me do so now."
To be continued...
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Installment twenty-five
Our last entry stopped with Mr. Severance scheduling a meeting for the
next day to allow Mr. Anderson to present a defense of the Sabbath.
Installment twenty-five:
"He doesn't look much like a Christ killer, does he? whispered one woman
to another when Mr. Anderson arrived at the appointed hour the next day.
"Well," replied her friend, "maybe he isn't a Jew; but I've been told since
leaving San Francisco, that he really doesn't believe in Christ. He teaches,
so I'm informed by one of the ministers, that we are to be saved by keeping
the law rather than by faith in Jesus, and I think that is terrible."
Mr. Anderson smilingly greeted his fellow travelers, assured them that he
assumed no superior wisdom, asked them all to be free to contribute their
thoughts. Laying Harold Wilson's marked Bible before him, he begged that
all joined him in asking God's spirit to rest upon their interview and that
light might come to all.
What a beautiful, simple prayer he offered!
"My," exclaimed the woman who had just spoken of his supposedly wrong
views :That doesn't sound as I expected. Why, he prays like a Christian!
Isn't it strange that one minister should get such a wrong opinion of another?"
"I find," said Mr. Anderson, "that a number of questions have been written
and already passed in, and perhaps I ought to notice these first. Do you
Evidently Dr. Spaulding was somewhat fearful, though without reason,
that some scheme had been devised to shut out free, open questioning.
He took occasion to suggest that while the written questions were ok,
he'd like to have a chance to introduce at least a few verbal questions
of his own first.
Mr. Anderson readily agreed, knowing that courtesy is a principle of
the Golden Rule, which he sought always to follow.
Dr. Spaulding was therefore permitted to have a free hand.
"Do you believe," he began, "that Sabbath keeping is one of the works
of the law?"
"Certainly, it is."
"Do you believe that Sabbath keeping should be regarded as essential
to the Christian service under the Gospel?"
"Most assuredly."
"Very good, brother, now let me read Paul's words to the Christians
of Galatia: Gal: 2:16-21: "Knowing that a man is not justified by the
works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have
believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of
Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law
shall no flesh be justified. I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if
righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain.'
"Now if Sabbath keeping is one of the works mentioned, then it
frustrates the grace of God, and declares that Christ died in vain.
Isn't that so?"
"Sabbath keeping," said Mr. Anderson, "is indeed a work of the law,
just as any other good deed is also a work. But no one can ever find
salvation by performing good works. Christianity knows no such
thing as salvation by works. No one can become righteous by any
deed of his, however great or good it may seem. This is said over
and over again in Romans and Galatians.
But doing good to be saved, or, as Paul writes, to be justified, or
made righteous, is altogether different from doing good when one
has been saved through faith.
Works may never truly precede faith and justification, but they
certainly follow. This must be true; because before one has found
deliverance from sin through faith, it is impossible to do good.
The carnal man with a carnal mind cannot obey a spiritual law.
Romans 8:7. But after sin has been forgiven and the law of the
Lord is written in the heart, then all the works of the law appear
as naturally as leaves on a tree. In an unconverted life, the works
of the law are only dead form. In a converted life, they are the
living fruits of the Spirit.
Sabbath keeping therefore would only be a useless theory to a
person who is not born again, yet one of the covenant experiences
to him who has Jesus in the heart."
To be continued....
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Installment twenty-four
At the end of our previous entry, Mr. Severance had just finished giving
his illutration of how the date line works.
Installment Twenty-four:
"Say, captain, who fixed up this date line scheme? And say, was it agreed
to peacefully?" The speaker was a rough-and-ready man from the Western
plains, as jovial as he was rough.
"Our friend has suggested a good thought, captain, so please tell us some-
thing of the date line history," said Mr. Severance.
"The date line is a natural result of the order of the peopling of the earth.
Taking my Bible, I discover that the cradle of the human family, after the
Deluge, was in the valley of the Euphrates, in the Eastern Hemisphere. From
that point people went eastwards and westwards to the fartest parts of
Europe and Asia, and centuries later, still farther west across the Western
Hemisphere. The day originally known in the Euphrates Valley was carried
unchanged both east and west, the only difference being that as they went
east, they began it earlier, while as they went west they began it later.
The truth of this is easily seen from the fact that a man may begin a journey
from China, and travel westward to San Francisco, and all the way around
will find his computation in perfect agreement with the time of the places
through which he passes. In other words, he is following the natural route
of the day and needs to make no change. If, however, he goes east from China
to San Francisco, he passes the natural starting point and likewise the finishing
point of the day, and must adjust himself to what he finds."
"Doesn't bother you at all about keeping Sunday, captain,?" asked the friend who
sat near him.
"Not in the least, sir," was the reply. "It aids me in my keeping of Sunday, as it
aids everyone who is seeking to obey God's commandments."
"Say, captain , I'm not a Christian, and don't keep any day, you see; but ever since
I was a boy, I have wondered about this Sabbath matter, which the preachers
were arguing yesterday," one of the listeners said. "I can understand about the
date line now, but I want to know if you honestly think people keep God's
commandment when they keep Sunday. Is Sunday the seventh day of the week?
I could almost believe it is, if you would tell me so. What do you say, captain?"
The simplicity and sincerity of the questioner awakened in the captain a great
desire to confess what he was rapidly coming to see; namely, that the fourth
commandment was not fulfilled in the observance of Sunday. But just as the
truth was about to escape his lips, he checked himself. Perhaps the time was
not right, he thought. Now with a gracious smile, he said:
"Let us refer the theological questions, my dear sir, to the clergy. They will
gladly help with such matters."
Harold Wilson, who was standing near Mr. Severance, whispered a word in
the merchant's ear.
Mr. Severance was a large hearted, liberal-minded man, and acting upon
Harold's suggestions, he arose and said:
"Ladies and gentlemen, we have with us on our vessel a Christian gentleman,
one of deep learning and piety, and to my mind, an authority on the question
of the Sabbath. I have heard him preach and I feel compentent to judge his
ability. I believe we could do no better than to invite Mr. Anderson to give us
the privilege of hearing from him in reply to the question we have just heard.
All in favor please raise your hand."
There was an almost unanimous response, though it was noticed that Dr.
Spaulding did not vote.
It was arranged that Mr. Anderson should meet his fellow passengers the
next day at the same hour.
Mr. Severance created much interest in the meeting of the next day by
suggesting that the other clergymen aboard the vessel be present at the
service and interrogate the speaker, and thus bring out all phases of the
To be continued...
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Installment twenty-three
Captain Mann has been sharing with the crowd an old article about
the date line. Now he continues with another example from the article.
Installment twenty-three:
"A common illustration, which may be observed almost any day, may serve
to make it a little clearer to some. Think of a freight train a quarter of a mile
in length. It starts and moves along slowly the distance of its own length, or
a quarter of a mile, bringing the rear of the train when it stops, to the same
place where the head of the train was when it first started. Suppose now that
a brakeman started from the rear of the train, when the train started, and
walk along the cars toward the front, his rate of motion being the same as
that of the train itself. When the train stops, he has reached the head of the
train. The train has carried him a quarter of a mile and he has walked another
quarter on his won. So now he is half a mile from where he started. But now
suppose another brakeman, when the train begins to move, starts from the
head of the train, and walks toward the rear at the same rate of motion. When
the train stops, he has reached the rear, but his motion was being opposite to
that of the train, has just balanced , or canceled for him, the motion of the
train; so he finds himself, in space or compared with surrounding objects,
just where he was when the train started. So brakeman number one who
walked a quarter of a mile actually advanced a half mile distance, but the
second brakeman, who also walked a quarter of a mile, has advanced no
distance at all because the train was moving in the opposite direction. The
same principle applies to the earth's motion and those who are traveling
around the globe. One going eastward adds a day to his reckoning, while
one going around westward loses a day out of his count."
Mr. Severance, the merchant, now asked for the privilege of supplementing
Captain Mann's extract by one which he had preserved. He read as follows:
"The reason for adding or dropping a day at the date line will become
apparent upon brief examination. It is always sunset at some point on the
earth. In the same manner, it is always sunrise, and noon, and midnight at
other points at the same time. Let us imagine that we could travel around
the earth as rapidly as the earth revolves upon its axis, and we start out
from London at sunrise on Tuesday morning and travel west. It would
remain sunrise of the same day with us all the time. Yet when we come
to London again we should have to call it the next day; for those who
remained there would have had noon, sunset, midnight and now would
have their second morning, which would be Wednesday. Therefore we
must change our reckoning so that at that instant, in any place east of
London, we would call it Tuesday morning; but at any point west of that
line, it would be Wednesday. That would be the place where the day would
change, but for convenience, men have chosen a line that passes through
no habitable country, and have fixed that point as a place where the day
would change.
By this arrangement, each day is measured off by one revolution of the
earth; and when it is finished, it is discharged from the calendar, and a
new one takes its place at this point. Hence, wherever we may be on the
face of the earth, the day comes to us with its full measure of twenty-
four hours, and then is succeeded by another of exactly equal length. It
is true that by our traveling east or west, the length of day may to us be
varied; but at the date line, these variations are all rectified. In circum-
navigating the globe, we find that we have done so without disarranging
our calendar.."
To be continued...
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Installment twenty-two
At the end of our previous installment, Captain Mann was in the middle of
explaining the workings of the date line.
Installment Twenty-two:
"You all see how ludicrous the matter appears when analyzed but a little.
The truth is, the whole question is one not of gaining or losing time, but
of computation.
"I carry with me," said the captain, "an extract from an article on the date
line which I found many years ago. I will read it with your permission. It
states the whole proposition more clearly than any word of mine could
possibly do. Here it is:
'The revolutions of the earth itself, as measured at fixed localities, are
what measure and number the days, not the revolutions that may be
indicated in the diary of a traveler. A person traveling east or west around
the world puts himself at variance with the numerical order of its
revolutions as computed at any fixed point; and the variance must be
corrected. That is the question involved in keeping a definite and identical
day on a round earth. Attending to this one point, a person need never
lose the definite day. To illustrate: Let us suppose a man to start from
point 'A' and travel eastward. Suppose he is able to fly around the world
and come back to his starting point in ten days. Every day, of course, he
is carried around by the revolution of the earth. But traveling, as he is,
with the earth, from west to east, each day he gains upon the earth one
tenth of its circumference. So in ten days, he would gain ten tenths, or a
whole circumference. So when he arrives at 'A' he finds that those who
have remained there have marked ten revolutions of the earth, and have
had ten days of time. But the earth has taken him around as many times
as it has them; and it addition to that, he has passed around once himself,
which is the same as another revolution for him, making eleven, and giving
him, according to his calendar, as he kept it from day to day, eleven days
instead of ten. What shall he do with that extra day? Drop it from the count.
Why? Because he knows that the earth itself has made only ten revolutions
as marked at point 'A' and the revolution of the earth itself is what marks
the day; not the times one individual goes around it. The individual must
make his count correspond to that of the earth wherever he is.
If the person goes around westward, this process is simply reversed. If he
travels at the same rate, his journey each day cancels one tenth of the
revolution of the earth as far as his count is concerned. In ten days he would
lose one whole revolution and would find, when coming to point 'A', that his
calendar shows only nine days instead of ten. What should he do? Add into
his account that lost day. Why? Because he knows that the earth has made
ten revolutions. Although he has been around the earth once, it has been
in such a direction as to apparently cancel one of its revolutions, and take
it out of the count. Instead of adding one, as in the other case, now he must
add to it to be in harmony with the real condition of things.
To be continued...
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Installment twenty-one
When our last installment ended, Captain Mann was being summoned to
intervene in the discussion about the date line.
Installment twenty-one:
"This is Dr. Spaulding's hour," the captain began, "and with his permission,
I will consent to make a few observations regarding the date line."
Dr. Spaulding smiled faintly, and in a somewhat hesitating manner he
seemed to give consent. The entire situation had proved a great disapoint-
ment to him. Now he was really obliged to give place without having made
any substantial gain.
As Captain Mann arose, a happy thought seemed to strike him, and he
smilingly suggested a round table, or question box, so everyone might
have opportunity to bring out any phase of the question not clear to them.
The question box idea prevailed.
"Before the questions are proposed," said the captain, "allow me this brief
word: The date line is one of the simple problems in life, so simple in fact,
that I have often explained it without difficulty to children. Instead of its
being a matter for confusing minds and causing a loss in the count of days
of the week, it is the one thing that prevents any and all disturbances in
our reckoning. It is a great, wonderful world regulator, preserving to all
nations of the earth the identity of our days."
"Do you mean to say, captain, that the fact that the world is a globe makes
no difference?" asked a woman missionary from Ohio.
"That is the thought, madam. It matters not whether one is at the poles
or at the equator, whether traveling by sea or by land, whether going
east or west, the day is an absolutely fixed quantity of time, and may be
scientifically and accurately known at any place on the earth's surface."
"Well, I have heard it say over and over," stated a simple but well-
meaning man seated near the captain, "that time is really lost or gained
- that going in one direction you lose; while in the other you gain. How
could preachers say that if it isn't so?"
"I cannot answer your question as to why preachers have taught you
what you say, but let me say to you and to all, that there is no such
thing as gaining or losing time. The expression is unscientific and it
indicates something that is only apparent, not real.'
"Let me illustrate: a set of twins start the journey from New York to
go around the world. One goes eastward, the other westward. They
finally come together again in New York, after a lapse of several
months; but he who went eastward finds himself exactly the same age
as his brother who traveled in the opposite direction. They compare
figures, and find that it took each of them the same number of days,
hours and minutes to make the trip, though one added a day and the
other dropped a day."
"Now, if it is actually true that one gained and the other lost a day,
there must have been two day's difference in their ages at the end."
A ripple of laughter went through the audience. "And if they had
repeated the process a sufficient number of times, eventually one
would be old enough to be the other's father." At this the listeners
laughed even louder.
To be continued....
Monday, August 9, 2010
Installment Twenty
Our previous installment left Dr. Spaulding under strong pressure to
produce real answers to the Sabbath question.
Installment Twenty:
Everybody present now realized the hopelessness of Dr. Sapulding's
position. While they shared the judge's desire for fair play, they in-
wardly wished for something to happen that would relieve the man
of his embarrassment. Providentially, something did "happen."
"Dr. Spaulding, may I interrupt to ask if you can give us some light
on the subject of the date line. Tonight we must drop a day from our
reckoning. Tomorrow, therefore, instead of having a Tuesday, we
shall have a Wednesday. What effect, as you understand it, does
this change have upon the matter of a definite day of the week as
The questioner was Mr. Severance, A San Francisco merchant who
had often made the trans-Pacific trip and who was therefore fully
informed regarding the problem of the date line.
Dr. Spaulding quickly brightened at the mention of the date line
and smilingly consented to give his opinion. In fact, he was making
an effort to reach this particular point when interrogated by the
"I am glad you introduce this question, sir. I will venture a brief
I suppose all are aware that in crossing the Pacific Ocean east or
west, a day must be added or dropped. Going west we are obliged
to skip a day; and going east, to repeat a day. For instance, tonight
we shall retire during the hours of Monday, and tomorrow morning
we shall wake up to find that we are passing through the hours of
Wednesday. We shall have no Tuesday at all.
Now, suppose I ardently believe in the absolute sacredness of Saturday.
I am going to the Philippines. I reach the date line Friday evening and
begin to keep my Sabbath. Then I retire with a worshipful spirit,
anticipating the joys of the holy time for the morning. I wake up. It's
morning, but lo; instead of Saturday, my good captain tells me it's
Then I become confused. The thing bewilders me. I thought my theory
correct, but find it incorrect. The fourth commandment, I discover,
doesn't fit a big, round world. My Sabbath slipped away from me
without even so much as a farewell. If I keep any day at all, I have
to keep Sunday.
I think you will all agree with me that, I will come to the conclusion
that God never meant that seventh day for me, at least while crossing
the Pacific; for when I tried to keep it, I could not."
"May I ask a question?" said Mr. Severance.
"Certainly," replied the minister.
"I observe Sunday and live in San Francisco. Do you believe I really
can keep Sunday in that city?"
"Yes, because in San Francisco the days come to you regularly."
"Would it be possible for me to have my Sunday in Tokyo?"
"Certainly," was Dr. Spaulding's response, "and for the same reason."
"Now, Dr. Spaulding, you say the day travels. It must then have some
place at which it begins its journey. And, likewise, someplace at which
it ends its journey. What place is that? If you are willing to yield the
floor for a time, I'd like to have a few words from our captain."
"Captain Mann! Captain Mann! came the call from all directions. All
eyes were turned on him.
To be continued...
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